
Join me in welcoming Jasmine Delgado, owner of Child Sleep Solutions as my Featured Gentle Sleep Coach for the next two weeks! She will be available on my Facebook page (http://www.facebook.com/TheSleepLady) to help answer your sleep questions… at no charge! Just post your questions on my wall/timeline to see what a sleep expert has to say!

To learn more about Jasmine:


My passion to help exhausted parents was spurred by my own sleepless nights with my first child, Luke.  Like many expectant parents, I attended a bevy of childbirth preparation classes that included breastfeeding basics, infant care, and CPR.  Despite all the pre-baby groundwork, I was entirely unprepared to handle the challenges of newborn baby sleep.  After weeks of sleepless nights of rocking my baby to sleep, laying him gingerly in his crib, and then sneaking away (only to have him wake in an hour or two!), I was so tired, exhausted, and grumpy that I could neither recognize myself nor could I function in a meaningful capacity.

In desperate search for baby sleep books with a solution, I discovered Kim West’s Good Night, Sleep Tight.  It was her chapter on creating the right start for your newborn baby that inspired me to gently shape Luke’s sleep and encourage him to be an independent sleeper.  By the time he was three months old, he put himself to sleep for bedtime and naps (without crying!) and slept in an age-appropriate manner at night and during the day.

If only I had known sooner how to help Luke sleep, I would have saved myself from suffering through many sleepless nights!  This is what compelled me to reach out to other parents and share that they no longer needed to suffer through tired and weary nights but could help their child learn how to sleep.

Since Luke was born, nearly four years ago, I have pored over sleep science and theory books, talked endlessly with other parents about child sleep issues, and helped numerous parents find solutions for their child’s sleep issues.  To broaden my knowledge and professionalize my desire to help tired parents and children, I completed the Gentle Sleep Coaching Program and am a Certified Gentle Sleep Coach.

I believe you will find my coaching to be sensitive to your child’s and your needs, comprehensive, and effective.  I hope that we are able to partner together to help your child through the sleep learning process.

In Service,

Jasmine Delgado
Certified Gentle Sleep Coach
Infant, Toddler, and Preschooler Sleep Sleep Specialist
Mom to Two Boys Who Love Bedtime

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