
It’s nigh upon the Winter Holidays and everything culinary seems to be in demand here, so I’ve decided that for the next month or so, the Sunday post will be on all things culinary. So let’s start off with some of the chocolate treats we’ve consumed and reviewed.

One favourite of mine, the German Ritter chocolates, saw three of their many bars, Dark Chocolate with Whole Hazelnuts, Rum, Trauben, Nuss (Rum, Raisins, Nuts), and Dark Chocolate with Marzipan got reviewed with mixed results. See why this was so.

The chocolates, Peace on Earth and Coffee Crunch in Dark Chocolate got a very mixed result with one of them rating a meh. Care to guess which one did?

Amano Artisan Chocolates in the form of Montanya, Guayas and Madagascar bars warranted way, way more than a meh as did Baylee’s Best Chocolates.

Berkshire Bark was, according to our reviewer, ‘good respectable snacking chocolate, high quality, not a trace of bloom or unintentional grittiness in any of the bars, but not a lot of depth or nuance either.’

Unfortunately venerable Cadbury Chocolate in the form of their Milk Chocolate with Roasted Almonds and Royal Dark Bars bars weren’t anything special. Want the really good stuff? Try one of these: Dagoba Chocolates, Dean’s Sweets, E. Guittard Chocolates and Fearless Chocolate, all of which got truly rave reviews.

Now that weather here at the Kinrowan Estate is getting chilly, hot chocolate is once again popular among my Several Annies and the other staff, so our review of Gourmet du Village hot chocolate mix seems appropriate. Read our review to see why this was the good stuff! Unfortunately Hammond’s Candies Double Chocolate Hot Cocoa fared not nearly as well.

I’ll be back with more chocolate reviews soon, but now it’s time for some cocoa!

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