
Title: Smoke & Lightning
Author: bloody_adorable and eviltwin
Fandom: Supernatural RPF
Relationship(s): Jensen Ackles/Jared Padalecki
Rating: NC-17
Genre: Romance, First Time, AU
Word Count: ~690,000


Smoke & Lightning: Heavy Metal Thunder -  Jared’s a classic case of rich kid gone wrong, whose only sense of family comes from his motorbike, the guy he rents a garage from to live in and the precinct cops who know his face better than most already. Jensen’s a hard-working student whose family are helping push him towards great things. What happens when their two worlds collide, and will Jared’s troublesome nature be too much for Jensen to handle?

This fic is followed by three sequels: Smoke & Lightning: Born to Be Wild, Smoke & Lightning: City of Angels and Smoke & Lightning: Whatever Comes Our Way.

Why You Should Read This:

I read this while it was being written and posted, and it was amazing then, and continues to be amazing now. These characters read as so very human, their personalities full and true. You will get drawn in and absolutely not want to leave when you are done reading.

In preparing to post this I noted that eviltwin has noted that higher rated chapters/fics are locked to community members. If you request to join the community she will let you in. At the link I provided, scroll down to the bottom and start with the first book, then move up. You won’t be disappointed.

Filed under: Alternate Universe, First Time, Romance, RPF, Supernatural Tagged: Jensen Ackles/Jared Padalecki

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