
Spanish I Tutorial: Basic Phrases, Vocabulary and Grammar ? Learn Spanish Online ? Free Spanish Lessons


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¡Buenos días!

bway-nohs dee-ahs

Hello! / Good morning! ¡Buenas tardes!

bway-nahs tard-ays

Good afternoon! ¡Buenas noches!

bway-nahs noh-chays

Good evening! / Good night!

¡Hola! / ¡Chao!

oh-lah / chow

Hi! / Bye! Adiós.


Good bye. Por favor.

por fah-bor


Hasta la vista / Hasta luego.

ah-stah lah vees-tah / ah-stah loo-ay-go

See you / See you later. Hasta pronto.

ah-stah prohn-toh

See you soon. Hasta mañana.

ah-stah mahn-yahn-ah

See you tomorrow.

(Muchas) Gracias.

(moo-chahs) grah-see-ahs

Thank you (very much). De nada.

day nah-dah

You're welcome. Bienvenidos



Lo siento

loh see-ehn-toh

I'm sorry Con permiso / Perdón / Disculpe

kohn pehr-mee-soh / pehr-dohn / dees-kool-peh

Excuse me / Pardon me ¡Vamos!


Let's go!

¿Cómo está usted?

koh-moh ay-stah oo-sted

How are you? (formal) ¿Cómo estás?

koh-moh ay-stahs

How are you? (informal) ¿Qué tal?

kay tahl

How's it going?

Bien / Muy bien

bee-ehn / moy bee-ehn

Good / Very good Mal / Muy mal / Más o menos

mahl / moy mahl / mahs oh may-nohs

Bad / Very bad / OK Sí / No

see / noh

Yes / No

¿Cómo se llama usted?

koh-moh say yah-mah oo-sted

What is your name? (formal) ¿Cómo te llamas?

koh-moh tay yah-mahs

What is your name? (informal) Me llamo... / Mi nombre es...

may yah-moh / mee nohm-breh ess

My name is...

Mucho gusto. / Encantado.

moo-choh goo-stoh / en-cahn-tah-doh

Nice to meet you. Igualmente.


Same here. / Same to you. Señor / Señora / Señorita

sayn-yor / sayn-yor-ah / sayn-yor-ee-tah

Mister / Mrs. / Miss

¿De dónde es usted?

day dohn-day ehs oo-sted

Where are you from? (formal) ¿De dónde eres?

day dohn-day eh-rehs

Where are you from? (informal) Yo soy de...

yoh soy day

I'm from...

¿Cuántos años tiene usted?

quahn-tohs ahn-yohs tee-ay-nay oo-sted

How old are you? (formal) ¿Cuántos años tienes?

quahn-tohs ahn-yohs tee-ayn-ays

How old are you? (informal) Yo tengo _____ años.

yoh tayn-goh _____ ahn-yohs

I am _____ years old.

¿Habla usted español?

ah-blah oo-sted eh-spahn-yol

Do you speak Spanish? (formal) ¿Hablas inglés?

ah-blahs een-glehs

Do you speak English? (informal) (No) Hablo...

noh ah-bloh

I (don't) speak...

¿Entiende usted? / ¿Entiendes?

ehn-tyen-deh oo-sted / ehn-tyen-dehs

Do you understand? (formal / informal) (No) Entiendo.

noh ehn-tyen-doh

I (don't) understand. Yo (no lo) sé.

yoh noh loh seh

I (don't) know.

¿Puede ayudarme?

pweh-deh ah-yoo-dar-meh

Can you help me? (formal) Claro / Claro que sí

klah-roh / klah-roh keh see

Sure / Of course ¿Cómo?


What? Pardon me?

¿Dónde está / Dónde están... ?

dohn-deh eh-stah / dohn-deh eh-stahn

Where is ... / Where are ... ? Aquí / Ahí

ah-kee / ah-ee

Here / There Hay / Había...

eye / ah-bee-ah

There is / are... / There was / were...

¿Cómo se dice ____ en español?

koh-moh seh dee-seh ___ en eh-spahn-yol

How do you say ____ in Spanish? ¿Qué es esto?

keh ehs ehs-toh

What is that? ¿Qué te pasa?

keh teh pah-sah

What's the matter (with you)?

No importa.

noh eem-por-tah

It doesn't matter. ¿Qué pasa?

keh pah-sah

What's happening? Sin novedad.

seen noh-veh-dahd

Nothing much.

No tengo ninguna idea.

noh tehn-goh neen-goo-nah ee-deh-ah

I have no idea. ¡Buena idea!

bweh-nah ee-deh-ah

Good idea! ¡Pase!


Go ahead!

Estoy cansado / enfermo.

eh-stoy kahn-sah-doh / ehn-fehr-moh

I'm tired / sick. Tengo hambre / sed.

tehn-goh ahm-breh / sed

I'm hungry / thirsty. Tengo calor / frío.

tehn-goh kah-lohr / free-oh

I'm hot / cold.

Estoy aburrido.

eh-stoy ah-boo-ree-doh

I'm bored. No me importa.

noh meh eem-por-tah

I don't care. No se preocupe.

noh seh preh-oh-koo-peh

Don't worry

Está bien.

ehs-tah bee-ehn

That's alright. / It's ok. Me olvidé.

meh ohl-vee-deh

I forgot. Tengo que ir ahora.

tehn-goh keh eer ah-oh-rah

I must go now.



Ready? Quizás / Depende.

kee-sahs / deh-pehn-deh

Maybe / It depends. Todavía no.

toh-dah-vee-ah noh

Not yet.

¡Qué chistoso!

keh chees-toh-soh

How funny! ¡Que le vaya bien!

keh leh vah-yah bee-ehn

Have a nice day! ¡Nos vemos!

nohs veh-mos

We'll see you!



Bless you! ¡Felicitaciones!


Congratulations! ¡Buena suerte!

bweh-nah swehr-teh

Good luck!

Te toca a ti.

teh toh-kah ah tee

It's your turn. (informal) ¡Callate!


Shut up! Te amo.

tay ah-moh

I love you. (informal and singular)

Notice that Spanish has informal and formal ways of speaking. This is because there is more than one meaning to "you" in Spanish (as well as in many other languages.) The informal you is used when talking to close friends, relatives, animals or children. The formal you is used when talking to someone you just met, do not know well, or someone for whom you would like to show respect (a professor, for example.)

Encantado, cansado, enfermo, and aburrido are the masculine forms of the words. If the words refer to a woman or are spoken by a woman, then the final o changes to a: encantada, cansada, enferma, and aburrida

In Spain, as well as Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela, the Spanish language is called castellano instead of español.

Por favor is often shortened to just porfa.

Please keep in mind that because Spanish is spoken in many countries, there are several regional dialects and accents so pronunciation rules may not apply to all countries. This tutorial is mostly concerned with the standardized varieties that are spoken in Mexico and northern/central Spain, but will also include common variants from other countries and/or regions. (The southern region of Spain, Andalucía, and the Canary Islands, exhibit features that are closer to Latin American Spanish.)


Spanish Letter English Sound

a ah as in father

e ay as in bait

i ee as in feet

o oh as in coat

u oo as in moon

ai / all / ay as in eye

ca, co, cu, c + cons. k as in kite

ce, ci s as in see (most varieties of Spanish) / th as in thief (northern/central Spain)

d similar to th as in thigh when between 2 vowels

ga, go, gue, gué, gui g as in go

gua, güe, güi, guo gw

ge, gi hard h (similar to last sound in loch or Bach)

h (silent - not pronounced in Spanish)

j hard h (similar to last sound in loch or Bach)

ll y as in yes (most varieties)

lli as in million (northern/central Spain)

zh as in measure (Argentina)

ñ ny as in canyon

qu k as in kite

r similar to a soft d when between 2 vowels; sometimes weakened to l

rr r with a roll of the tongue

s s as in see but often weakened to h or not pronounced when at end of syllable (most of Latin America, southern Spain/Canary Islands)

v b at beginning of word, very soft b between 2 vowels

z s as in see but often weakened to h or not pronounced when at end of syllable (most of Latin America, southern Spain/Canary Islands) / th as in thief (northern/central Spain)

The five vowels in Spanish are all pure vowels: [a], [e], [i], [o], [u] Be sure that you do not pronounce a diphthong as we do in English (the extra yuh or wuh sound at the end). Other consonants not listed are pronounced as in English, i.e. m as in man, y as in yes, etc.

The two major differences in pronunciation between southern Spain/Latin America and northern/central Spain are called seseo and yeísmo. Seseo refers to the pronunciation of both s and z as s, while yeísmo refers to the pronunciation of ll as y - both are features of southern Spain/Canary Islands/Latin America Spanish.

One feature of Spanish pronunciation that is often missing from textbooks is the loss of final -s. When -s is at the end of a syllable, it often weakens to -h or it is not pronounced at all. This occurs in southern Spain, the Canary Islands, and throughout Latin America, with the exception of some parts of Mexico and the Andean areas of South America. Final -r can also weaken to -l or even -y in Cuban Spanish. In fact, many consonants are much weaker and softer in Spanish than in English, as noted above with d, r, and v.

Stress: Just as in English, Spanish stresses a certain syllable in a word. If a word ends in a consonant, except s or n, the stress is on the last syllable. If a word ends in a vowel, or s or n, the stress is on the second-to-last syllable. For words that do no follow these rules, an accent is written over the vowel so that you will know to stress that syllable, as in el pájaro (bird).


a ah j hoh-tah r air-ay

b bay k kah rr airr-ay

c say l ay-lay s ay-say

ch chay ll ay-yay t tay

d day m ay-may u oo

e ay n ay-nay v bay chee-kah

f ay-fay ñ ayn-yay w bay doh-blay

g hey o oh x ah-kees

h ah-chay p pay y ee-gree-ay-gah

i ee q koo z say-tah

The Spanish language academy no longer considers the ch, ll or rr to be separate letters in dictionaries, but they are still separate letters in the alphabet. In Spain oo-bay is used for v, but in Latin America most varieties just use bay and an adjective, such as chica (Mexico and Peru) or corta (Argentina and Chile). Spain also uses oo-bay doh-blay or doh-blay oo-bay for w.


Masc. Singular Fem. Singular Masc. Plural Fem. Plural

the el la the los las

a, an un una some unos unas

this este esta these estos estas

that ese esa those esos esas

that aquel aquella those aquellos aquellas

El is also used with feminine nouns beginning with a or ha when the accent is on the first syllable. Words that end in -o and -or are generally masculine, with a few exceptions: la mano (hand), la foto (photo). Words that end in -a are generally feminine, with a few exceptions: el mapa (map), el problema (problem). Other feminine words end in -ción, -tad, -dad, or -tud.

Use the ese forms to mean that when what you are talking about is near the person you are addressing. Use the aquel forms when what you are talking about is far from both you and the person you are addressing. Esto and eso are the neuter forms of this and that. They can be used in general and abstract ways.

Demonstrative adjectives (listed above) are used before a noun; if you want to use the demonstrative pronouns, which are used before a verb, add an accent on all of the first e's: éste, ésta, éstos, éstas, ése, ésa, ésos, ésas, aquél, aquélla, aquéllos, aquéllas.


singular plural

first person yo yoh I nosotros

nosotras noh-soh-trohs

noh-soh-trahs we

second person tú

vos too

bohs you (informal) vosotros

vosotras boh-soh-trohs

boh-soh-trahs you (informal)

third person él


usted ail


oo-sted he / it

she / it

you (formal) ello


ustedes ay-yohs


oo-sted-ays they (masculine)

they (feminine)

you (informal / formal)

The various pronouns meaning you can be tricky to use correctly in Spanish. The informal forms are used to show familiarity with other people, while the formal forms indicate social distance. There are many factors that determine the familiarity or formality, such as gender, age, location, social class, etc. In general, informal you is used with family members, friends, children, animals, etc. while formal you is reserved for those to whom you wish to show respect. These rules are not steadfast though, and there is a lot of variation throughout the Spanish-speaking world. For example, usted is used among family members in Colombia, whereas most other Spanish speakers would use tú or vos. It is best simply to listen to which pronoun is used in the variety of Spanish that you are most interested in learning to figure out when to use each one.

The use of vos as a second person singular pronoun, either in addition to tú or in place of tú, is called voseo. Old Spanish used this pronoun in addition to tú, but it became somewhat stigmatized when the standardized language of Spain stopped using it. Various regions of Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador, Peru, and Venezuela use both tú and vos, while Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay (known together as the Río de la Plata region) and most of Central America use vos in place of tú. Although voseo rarely appears in Spanish textbooks, it is used in some form by a majority (about two-thirds) of the Spanish-speaking population.

Because every noun in Spanish has a gender, there are two ways to express it. If the noun is masculine, use él, which also means he. If the noun is feminine, use ella, which also means she.

Vosotros is the plural form of tú in northern and central Spain only, for informal you. Ustedes is the plural form of usted for formal you. Since vosotros is not used in the rest of the Spanish-speaking countries, Ustedes is both informal and formal you in these countries.

Usted can be abbreviated to Ud. or Vd. (from the phrase vuestra merced). Ustedes can also be abbreviated to Uds. or Vds.

Nosotras and vosotras refer to a group of all females, as does ellas. If there is a group of people that is mixed (both male and female), use the masculine forms: nosotros, vosotros and ellos.

Subject pronouns are often only used for emphasis or to avoid ambiguity when the verb conjugation is the same for different people (such as él and usted.)


ser - to be

present preterite imperfect future

(yo) soy I am fui era I was seré I will be

(tú / vos) eres / sos you are



you were serás

you will be

(él / ella)

(usted) es


he / she / it is

you are fue

fue era

era he / she / it was

you were será

será he / she / it will be

you will be

(nosotros / -as) somos we are fuimos éramos we were seremos we will be

(vosotros / -as) sois you are fuisteis erais you were seréis you will be

(ellos / ellas)



son they are

you are fueron

fueron eran

eran they were

you were serán

serán they will be

you will be

estar - to be

present preterite imperfect future

(yo) estoy I am estuve estaba I was estaré I will be

(tú / vos) estás you are estuviste estabas you were estarás

you will be

(él / ella)

(usted) está


he / she / it is

you are estuvo




he / she / it was

you were estará

estará he / she / it will be

you will be

(nosotros / -as) estamos we are estuvimos estábamos we were estaremos we will be

(vosotros / -as) estáis you are estuvisteis estabais you were estaréis you will be

(ellos / ellas)



están they are

you are estuvieron

estuvieron estaban

estaban they were

you were estarán

estarán they will be

you will be

tener - to have

present preterite imperfect future

(yo) tengo I have tuve tenía I had tendré I will have

(tú / vos) tienes / tenés you have

tuviste tenías

you had


you will have

(él / ella)

(usted) tiene


he / she / it has

you have tuvo




he / she / it had

you had tendrá


he / she / it will have

you will have

(nosotros / -as) tenemos we have tuvimos teníamos we had tendremos we will have

(vosotros / -as) tenéis you have tuvisteis teníais you had tendréis you will have

(ellos / ellas)



tienen they have

you have tuvieron

tuvieron tenían

tenían they had

you had tendrán

tendrán they will have

you will have

Highlighted forms are only used in northern/central Spain. You do not need to use the subject pronouns unless you want to emphasize the person, or to avoid ambiguity.

The conjugation for vos is usually only different from the tú conjugation in the present tense and the imperative (commands), though there can be differences in the preterite and subjunctive as well. Sometimes the present tense conjugation is identical to the tú conjugation (in which case, there will only be one form given in the conjugation charts). For the present tense conjugation of ser, in some regions of Chile, Colombia, and Cuba the vos conjugation is soi, whereas in some parts of Panama and Venezuela it is sois. A final -s may or may not be used for the vos conjugation in the preterite tense. There is a lot of variation in the vos conjugations, in addition to the use of the pronoun tú with a vos conjugation or the pronoun vos with a tú conjugation. Voseo is usually associated with Argentina but there are many more places in Latin America that use vos in some form so it is important to be aware of it.

The difference between the preterite and imperfect tenses will be explained in Spanish II. In general, the preterite expresses a completed action in the past while the imperfect expresses a repeated or continuing action in the past. For now, just learn the forms for recognition purposes.

Ser is used to identify or describe. It tells what something is, its basic characteristics, or its origin. Estar is used to tell the location of something or how someone feels.

Uses of Ser

Identify person/object

Inherent characteristics

or qualities


Telling time

Express ownership

Impersonal expressions

Passive voice El edificio es un templo.

La casa es grande.

Carlos es pobre.

Es carpintero.

Son las tres.

Los libros son de Juan.

Es necesario.

El teléfono fue inventado por Bell. The building is a temple.

The house is large.

Charles is poor.

He is a carpenter.

It's three o'clock.

The books are John's.

It is necessary.

The telephone was invented by Bell.

Uses of Estar


Temporary condition/state

State of health

Form progressive tense El libro está en la mesa.

La ventana está abierta.

Juan está enfermo.

Miguel está estudiando. The book is on the table.

The window is open.

John is sick.

Michael is studying.

Sometimes changing the verb can completely change the meaning: ser aburrido means to be boring, while estar aburrido means to be bored. Others include: ser bueno - to be nice, estar bueno - to be in good health; ser callado - to be discrete, estar callado - to be silent; ser moreno - to have brown hair, estar moreno - to be tan.

Many common expressions using the verb "be" in English use the verb "tener" in Spanish (but not all):

to be afraid tener miedo to be in a hurry tener prisa, estar de prisa

to be against estar en contra to be jealous tener celos

to be at fault tener la culpa to be lucky tener suerte

to be careful tener cuidado to be patient tener paciencia

to be cold tener frío to be sleepy tener sueño

to be curious ser curioso/a to be successful tener éxito

to be fed up estar harto/a to be thirsty tener sed

to be happy estar contento/a to be tired estar cansado/a

to be hot tener calor to be ___ years old tener ___ años

to be hungry tener hambre

Tener is also used with the following expressions that use "have" in English:

No tengo ni idea. I have no idea.

¿Tienes un resfriado? Do you have a cold?

Tengo que irme. I have to go.


what qué which cuál(es)

who quién(es) how much cuánto (-a)

how cómo how many cuántos (-as)

when cuándo whom a quién(es)

where dónde whose de quién(es)

why por qué


0 cero say-roh

1 uno oo-noh first primero

2 dos dohs second segundo

3 tres trays third tercero

4 cuatro kwah-troh fourth cuarto

5 cinco seen-koh fifth quinto

6 seis says sixth sexto

7 siete see-ay-tay seventh séptimo

8 ocho oh-choh eighth octavo

9 nueve new-ay-vay ninth noveno

10 diez dee-ays tenth décimo

11 once ohn-say eleventh undécimo

12 doce doh-say twelfth duodécimo

13 trece tray-say thirteenth décimo tercero

14 catorce kah-tor-say fourteenth décimo cuarto

15 quince keen-say fifteenth décimo quinto

16 diez y seis dee-ays ee says sixteenth décimo sexto

17 diez y siete dee-ays ee see-ay-tay seventeenth décimo séptimo

18 diez y ocho dee-ays ee oh-choh eighteenth décimo octavo

19 diez y nueve dee-ays ee new-ay-vay nineteenth décimo noveno

20 veinte bayn-tay twentieth vigésimo

21 veinte y uno bayn-tay ee oo-noh twenty-first vigésimo primero

22 veinte y dos bayn-tay ee dohs twenty-second vigésimo segundo

30 treinta trayn-tah thirtieth trigésimo

40 cuarenta kuar-ain-tah fortieth cuadragésimo

50 cincuenta seen-kuain-tah fiftieth quincuagésimo

60 sesenta say-sain-tah sixtieth sexagésimo

70 setenta say-tain-tah seventieth septuagésimo

80 ochenta oh-chain-tah eightieth octogésimo

90 noventa noh-bain-tah ninetieth nonagésimo

100 cien(to) see-ain-(toh) hundredth centésimo

1000 mil meel thousandth milésimo

If you are just saying 100, you use cien. If it's over 100, you use ciento. So 101 is ciento uno and 156 would be ciento cincuenta y seis. Also you can use dieciséis, diecisiete, dieciocho, and diecinueve for 16, 17, 18, and 19, respectively. They are pronounced the same but are combined into one word. Additionally, 21-29 can be written as one word (veintiuno, veintidós, veintitrés, etc.), but you need to use y for the rest of the numbers.

Primero and tercero drop the final -o when used directly before a noun.


Monday lunes loo-nays

Tuesday martes mar-tays

Wednesday miércoles mee-air-coh-lays

Thursday jueves hway-bays

Friday viernes bee-air-nays

Saturday sábado sah-bah-doh

Sunday domingo doh-ming-oh

day el día dee-ah

week la semana say-mahn-ah

weekend el fin de semana feen day say-mahn-ah

today hoy oy

tonight esta noche es-tah noh-chay

last night anoche ah-noh-chay

yesterday ayer eye-yair

tomorrow mañana mahn-yahn-ah

my birthday mi cumpleaños mee coom-play-ahn-yohs

next próximo / próxima prok-see-moh / mah

last pasado / pasada pah-sah-doh / dah

day before yesterday anteayer ahn-teh-eye-yair

day after tomorrow pasado mañana pah-sah-doh mahn-yahn-ah

the following day el día siguiente dee-ah see-gwee-ehn-teh

the day before la víspera vees-peh-rah

Days of the week are all masculine in gender and they are not capitalized in writing. The definite article is not used after the verb ser, but at all other times it is required and there is slight change in meaning if it is singular or plural: el lunes = on Monday but los lunes = on Mondays


January enero ay-nair-oh

February febrero fay-bray-roh

March marzo mar-soh

April abril ah-breel

May mayo mi-oh

June junio hoo-nee-oh

July julio hoo-lee-oh

August agosto ah-gohs-toh

September septiembre sayp-tee-aim-bray

October octubre ohk-too-bray

November noviembre noh-bee-aim-bray

December diciembre dee-see-aim-bray

month el mes mais

first of [a month] el primero de [month] pree-mair-oh day _____

year el año ahn-yoh

decade la década deh-kah-dah

century el siglo see-gloh

millennium el milenio mee-leh-nee-oh

The preposition en is used with months: en abril = in April. Also notice that primero is used for the first of the month, but the rest of the days are referred to using the regular cardinal numbers: el primero de junio but el dos de julio. Months of the year are also all masculine and not capitalized in writing.

¿Cual es la fecha de hoy? What is today's date?

Hoy es el primero de agosto. Today is August 1st.


spring la primavera in spring en primavera

summer el verano in summer en verano

winter el invierno in winter en invierno

autumn el otoño in autumn en otoño


to the right a la derecha

to the left a la izquierda

straight ahead todo derecho

north el norte northeast el noreste

south el sur northwest el noroeste

east el este southeast el sureste

west el oeste southwest el suroeste


red rojo / roja circle el círculo

pink rosado / rosada square el cuadrado

orange anaranjado / anaranjada rectangle el rectángulo

yellow amarillo / amarilla triangle el triángulo

green verde oval el óvalo

blue azul cube el cubo

light blue celeste sphere la esfera

purple morado / morada cylinder el cilindro

violet violeta cone el cono

brown marrón octagon el octágono

black negro / negra box la caja

gray gris pyramid la pirámide

white blanco / blanca

golden dorado / dorada dark oscuro / oscura

silver plateado / plateada light claro / clara

All adjectives in Spanish are placed after the noun that they describe and they agree in gender (masculine or feminine) and number (singular or plural) with the noun. Notice that some colors do not change for gender (marrón) or number (gris). To change an adjective to the feminine form, you usually just change the final -o to -a. To make an adjective plural, simply add an -s.

a red house = una casa roja

14. TIME

¿Qué hora es? What time is it?

Es la una. It's one.

Son las dos/tres/cuatro... It's two/three/four...

Es mediodía. It's noon.

Es medianoche. It's midnight.

Son las cinco y cinco. It's 5:05

Son las ocho y cuarto. It's 8:15

Son las diez menos cuarto. It's 9:45

Son cuarto para las diez. It's 9:45 (common in Mexico)

Son las nueve menos diez. It's 8:50

Son diez para las nueve. It's 8:50 (common in Mexico)

Son las tres y media / treinta. It's 3:30

de la mañana in the morning / AM

de la tarde in the afternoon / PM

de la noche in the evening / PM

en punto exactly / sharp

¿A qué hora? At what time?


¿Qué tiempo hace? What's the weather like?

Hace buen tiempo. The weather's nice.

Hace mal tiempo. The weather's bad.

Hace frío. It's cold.

Hace calor. It's hot.

Hace sol. It's sunny.

Hace viento. It's windy.

Hace fresco. It's chilly.

Está nublado. It's cloudy.

Hay niebla. It's foggy.

Hay neblina. It's misty.

Hay humedad. It's humid.

Hay granizo. It's hailing.

Llueve. It's raining.

Nieva. It's snowing.

Truena. It's thundering.

Llovizna. It's sprinkling.


a at, to al lado de beside, alongside of

con with alrededor de around

contra against cerca de near, close to

de of, from lejos de far from

en in, on delante de in front of

entre between, among debajo de below, under

hacia towards, about en frente de opposite

para for, in order to, by detrás de behind

por for, through, along, via encima de above, on top of

sobre on, over hasta till, until

sin without desde from, since

There are two prepositional contractions with definite articles. A and el combine to form al, and de and el combine to form del.

Para often drops the second syllable in speech in the Caribbean and some Latin American countries. In informal writing, it is usually written as pa'


family la familia cousin (m) el primo

parents los padres cousin (f) la prima

husband / spouse el marido / el esposo cousins los primos

wife / spouse la mujer / la esposa relatives los parientes

father / dad el padre / el papá stepfather el padastro

mother / mom la madre / la mamá stepmother la madrastra

son el hijo stepbrother el hermanastro

daughter la hija stepsister la hermanastra

children los hijos stepson el hijastro

brother el hermano stepdaughter la hijastra

sister la hermana godfather el padrino

brothers & sisters los hermanos godmother la madrina

only child (m) el hijo único baby el bebé

only child (f) la hija única teenager el adolescente

kid / boy el muchacho boy el niño

kid / girl la muchacha girl la niña

half-brother el medio hermano boys & girls los niños

half-sister la media hermana man el hombre

father-in-law el suegro woman la mujer

mother-in-law la suegra adult el adulto

brother-in-law el cuñado twins (m) los gemelos

sister-in-law la cuñada twins (f) las gemelas

son-in-law el yerno dog el perro

daughter-in-law la nuera cat el gato

grandfather el abuelo bird el pájaro

grandmother la abuela fish el pez

grandparents los abuelos gold fish la carpa dorada

grandson el nieto horse el caballo

granddaughter la nieta goat la cabra

grandchildren los nietos pig el cerdo

uncle el tío cow la vaca

aunt la tía rabbit el conejo

aunts & uncles los tíos turtle la tortuga

nephew el sobrino mouse el ratón

niece la sobrina deer el ciervo

nieces & nephews los sobrinos duck el pato


Initial Forms

Terminal Forms

singular plural singular plural

yo my mi mis mío

mía míos


tú / vos your tu tus tuyo

tuya tuyos


él / ella ; usted his / her / its ; your su sus suyo

suya suyos


nosotros / nosotras our nuestro

nuestra nuestros

nuestras nuestro

nuestra nuestros


vosotros / vosotras your vuestro

vuestra vuestros

vuestras vuestro

vuestra vuestros


ellos / ellas ; ustedes their ; your su sus suyo

suya suyos


Remember that vuestro forms are only used in northern/central Spain. Only nuestro and vuestro change for gender (masculine -o becomes feminine -a) in the initial forms.

Su and sus are the possessive adjective for only the usted form (singular you) in Latin America. For his, her, its, your (plural), and their, use de + the subject pronoun after the noun.

los libros de ellos their books (literally: the books of they)

The terminal forms are placed after the noun, and the noun must be preceded by the definite article, except in direct address. When used with the indefinite article, it corresponds to the English "of mine, of yours," etc.

el libro mío my book

un amigo mío a friend of mine

19. TO DO / MAKE Listen to MP3

hacer - to do or make

present: do(es), make(s) preterite: did, made imperfect: did, made future: will do, will make

(yo) hago hice hacía haré

(tú / vos) haces / hacés hiciste



(él / ella / usted) hace hizo hacía


(nosotros / nosotras) hacemos hicimos hacíamos haremos

(vosotros / vosotras ) hacéis hicisteis hacíais haréis

(ellos / ellas / ustedes)

hacen hicieron hacían harán

¿Qué haces, hijo mío? What are you doing, my son?

¿Qué hace tu padre ? What does your father do?


If a singular noun ends in a vowel, just add -s to make it plural: la casa → las casas

If a singular noun ends in a consonant, a vowel with an accent, or y, add -es to make it plural: el papel → los papeles

Singular nouns that end in -z change the z to c and add -es to form the plural: la luz → las luces

A few nouns that have an accent in the singular will lose it in the plural and vice versa: la canción → las canciones, el examen → los exámenes (but notice that there is no change for el lápiz → los lápices)

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