
A team of UHD students and staff committed to standing against oppression completed three full days of “Train-the-Trainer” (TTT) training led by campus program representatives of the National Coalition Building Institute (NCBI) on Sept. 10-12.  NCBI is an international nonprofit leadership development network dedicated to the elimination of racism and other forms of oppression.The training provides UHD with a team of certified trainers to conduct copyrighted NCBI training and workshops on topics such as diversity awareness, controversial issues and incident response.

Efforts to establish an NCBI team at UHD began with the work of assistant professor Doug TeDuits and the Diversity and Equity Advisory Council in 2012. The plans were executed with the help of dean of students Sara Jahansouz and provost Ed Hugetz. John Hudson, director of the Center for Student Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, will lead the established team of trainers. NCBI workshops will be offered at UHD beginning in late October.

NCBI trainings and workshops are based the following principles which are detailed on the NCBI website:

- Training teams of peer leaders is the most effective way to empower people to take leadership in reducing racism and other forms of discrimination.

- Programs to welcome diversity require an ongoing institutional effort.

- The establishment of proactive training programs that build strong inter-group relations are more effective than programs that respond to specific incidents of racism or crises.

- Programs that welcome diversity need to include all of the visible and invisible differences found in a workplace or community.

- Diversity training programs that are based on guilt, moralizing or condemnation often rigidify prejudicial attitudes.

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