
There is something going on in our society today that I am very concerned about, something I hope everybody else is concerned about as well! I'm talking about drugs, and I mean really bad drugs like cocaine,  ecstasy, and the scariest of all... heroin!

I realize kids are going to be kids, they are going to experiment and do things that most parents would not approve of, but what's really bothersome to me is that there are parents who are either not paying attention, or they just don't care about these dangerous things kids are getting into these days!


Gotta love those dance moves, right?

{source unknown}

{source unknown}

He's kind of a creepy hippy.


Ya gotta admit, these pictures sure are fun to look at! I love looking at photos from past eras!

Drugs are nothing new, people experimented in the 60's and 70's, and they have always been dangerous, but a lot of those drugs were new and people really didn't know much about them. At least that's what I've always been told by the people I know who were part of that generation.

By now we should all know better, and those who lived through the hippy era should know even more about what could happen to their children if they do these things. Telling them not to do the things you did when you were young, doesn't make you a hypocrite, it makes you a loving parent! You learned from the past, and now you want to make sure your kids don't make the same mistakes.

The days of letting your kids go to parties where there are no responsible adults present are over! Just like letting your kids walk to and from the bus stop, or even to the park by themselves. Can't do that anymore!

What's more important to you... your kids liking you, or keeping them safe? If you tell them they can't go, they might tell you they hate your guts! That's okay! At least they won't be at a party where they are tempted to try drugs like heroin! It's not about not trusting your kids, but with all the pressure that is out there, and kids trying to fit in so they won't be targets, it would be so easy for them to give in.

And no... you can't watch your kids twenty-four-seven! They are going to run into temptation at some point, but that doesn't mean you don't try! When they are out there they have to make their own decisions right or wrong. You as a parent have to prepare them for whatever comes their way. Whatever you say may or may not go in one ear and out the other, kids rebel against their parents. I know you don't want to be too strict, but I think we're starting to see that not being tough on them at all isn't working.

Tough love is needed a lot these days, but parents are afraid to use it, because they don't want their kids to hate them. They may hate you now, but that hatred won't last forever. They will appreciate it later on when they become responsible adults.

My parents didn't let me go to parties where there were no parents. I wasn't even allowed to go to the mall without an adult when I was in middle school. I don't hate them for not letting me go, or because they grounded me when I got in trouble. Though I rebelled a little, I wasn't necessarily an angel in my twenties, I had my fun... but because I had common sense, I kept myself out of trouble, and the fun I had was rebellious, but there aren't too many regrets. I still had my morals, my parents and grandparents gave me those morals.

Today's Hippies...



I think what really bothers me is seeing pictures like these on Pinterest and kids not caring at all what they are doing to themselves, and the fact that they are throwing their lives away just so they can be one of the cool kids! It terrifies me to see these young people so stoned!

Nobody is perfect... we all do dumb things when we're young, things that you wish you could go back and fix. Lord knows I was an ornery teen... well late teens and early twenties were my wild days. However, things are different, it's much faster, and I would have never even considered doing coke or heroin!

It's not just Pinterest though. I've seen some startling pictures of models on fashion websites that are being glamorized, and you know their targeting the young! They even have a name for it...

Heroin Chic...

It's been around for a while, I believe the first time I ever heard it was in the Kate Moss era.

...but it was Gia Carangi who is considered an icon to youngsters. She was a beautiful woman, and fashionable, but that's not what is being glamorized about her. I think we all know it's the drugs they are drawn to, but what they seem to forget is that's what got her killed! There is nothing glamorous about death the death of a young woman because of the choices she made!

Is it just me? Or, is anyone else bothered by this?

She is perfect in every way!

photo by Skye Johansen


Parents do you realize how lucky you are?

There are people who will never get the chance to experience child birth! They will never know what it's like to raise a child, or teenager! They would give anything to have that special bond you get to share with yours! I know I would give anything to have a little one like the one in the photo above!

It always irritates me when someone says to me... "you are lucky you don't have kids!" Even though I know they are just having one of those chaotic days, and I know they are't being serious, it does bother me some. It upsets me, because they know how badly I want to be a mom. Call me crazy, but I want the chaotic days! Even if it means wanting to pull my hair out some days. I'm up for the challenge!

I don't know what's in the cards for me as far as that goes. It's something I'm looking forward to, but I'm not quite ready yet. Still, I know people who can't bare children, and haven't had luck with adoption either. I know people who never got that chance. Which means not only did they not get to have kids, they will never have grand kids either! I don't know what the future holds for me. What I do know is if you got the chance you should be grateful! I'm sure most people are.

What a little baby doll! Just look at those eyes!

Couldn't ya just eat her up?

I believe children are gifts from God. I can't explain why those whom I know for a fact would be awesome parents, aren't able to conceive! Yet, the lousy parents have no problems in that department! I don't get why it's mostly good people who can't get pregnant, but Fertile Myrtle gets pregnant just like that! It's so easy for the moms who have no intention of taking care of her kids! I don't get why there are parents who get to have kids just so they can use them as punching bags, and so they can neglect them. I don't have the answers, but if you are able to conceive, you have been blessed! Don't take it for granted!

You were given a wonderful gift! The gift of motherhood! You need to treasure your babies, and you also need to protect them! They are vulnerable, and they can be broken if you don't take care of them! They can also be taken, and they can be lost. You do not want to lose your child! Every person I have known who has lost a child has said it is the worst thing you will ever have to go through!

Which is more important to you... your son or daughter hating you for not allowing them to go to a party where there will be booze, drugs, and sex, and no parents? Or, do you want to take the risk of having to go to the morgue to identify his or her body?

I'm not an expert, these are my opinions, and my concerns for children and teens, and the issues they face. I am deeply concerned and terrified for them, and their future. I read a lot, and when I find something that I feel is important to share with people, I raise awareness. I want parents to be informed about the dangers that are out there. You never know... there could be some fancy drug, or something going on with the youngsters that you don't know about.

It seems like there is always something new with each generation... some sort of crazy drug trend that all the kids are doing. I mean bath salts? Really? Who comes up with this stuff? Meth? Seriously? YIKES! Who knows what else kids are doing these days. It just get scarier by the minute!

Products that Promote Drugs...
These products are being sold at online stores that are geared towards younger individuals...........

I found these images on Wanelo.com, and on Pinterest.

Parents? Does this bother you? Just curious. Are your kids allowed on sites like Pinterest or Wanelo? What do you think the appropriate age is?


I am in no way saying any of you are lousy parents! I'm referring to the lousy parents in the world in general. I know there are still lots of wonderful mommies and daddies in our society today. Unfortunately, there are also a lot of bad ones.

What else is there for you to read?

{A Breakfast in Bed Kinda Morning}

{Miss Grumpy Pants}

{What I Like About You}






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