February. While it’s typically a slow month for Skylanders, it always makes me smile a little bit because February is the month in which SCL was started.
While many of you were not even aware of SCL (or possibly even Skylanders) last year, some of you may remember the giant giveaway I held to celebrate the one year anniversary of SCL. I cannot promise anything of the same magnitude, but there are definitely a few more giveaways coming up (check back tomorrow).
Thank You!
Before I go too much further, I want to take a moment to thank all of you.
Without you SCL would not be what it is today.
Because you ask questions, I learn how to provide the best content.
Because you share articles, more people find out about SCL.
Because you post on Facebook, the community grows and becomes more useful for everyone.
Because you let me know I’ve helped in some small way, I know I can help more people.
You are the fuel that keeps the fire burning. Thank you!
Stay Connected
I know that not all of you remember to or even want to check SCL every day for new info. I completely understand, but there are ways around this.
1) Facebook
The SCL Facebook just blew past 4000 Likes and that number is growing each and every day.
If you choose to follow SCL on just one platform, I highly recommend choosing Facebook. Facebook is the first page I update with any breaking news. It’s the simplest and quickest option. So if you want to know about the latest figure releases or want to be alerted when Kaos Traps become available, the SCL Facebook page is for you.
In addition to alerts and breaking news, I always post links to the new articles I write on SCL. So if you follow SCL on Facebook, you should never have to worry about missing the latest news.
The SCL Facebook page has grown at a rapid pace over the past few months and it is becoming a wonderful community. So many of you out there are willing to help other Skylanders fans like yourself. I sincerely hope you will consider joining us if you haven’t already.
2) Twitter
I know Twitter isn’t for everyone, but let’s be honest, just like Facebook it’s quick and simple.
I will also admit that it is easier to miss updates on Twitter if you don’t check it frequently, but it is the second place all of my updates go. I try to post the same breaking news that I post on Facebook as well as links to all of my articles.
3) Mailing List
I do have an SCL Mailing List, but I utilize it a bit differently.
In order to ensure that I do not flood your inbox with dozens of emails each week, I only send the mailing list the major announcements.
This could include changes to the site, giveaway announcements, news about a release date or a new game, or even smaller items like Kaos Trap sightings.
The problem with using the mailing list for something as time-sensitive as Kaos Trap sightings is that it takes significantly longer to send out a mass email than it does to update the Facebook page. This is why I urge those of you who want the IN STOCK ALERTS to follow SCL on Facebook and/or Twitter.
Moving Forward
This celebration isn’t just about what I’ve done in the past though, it’s also about how I plan to help you in the future.
Getting Started
I’ve slowly been putting the finishing touches on the Getting Started section.
I put a link to this section in the menu a few months ago, but I never really announced it. Now that it’s nearly complete, I think that it’s time.
The Getting Started section is my attempt to answer all of the most common questions I get from SCL readers. Whether you’re actually just getting started or you’ve been around for a while and have a question about the latest game, there’s a good chance you’ll be able to find your answer in the Getting Started section.
Now don’t get me wrong, I love answering your questions. But I figure for each person that takes the time to ask the question, there’s probably at least one person (with the same question) who doesn’t ask the question. So by making all of this information readily available I am simply trying to help as many people as possible.
Do you have a friend, parent, grandparent, aunt, uncle, or cousin who is trying to figure out Skylanders?
Now you know where to send them.
It seems so simple right?
It’s crazy to think that I run a site about a video game, but I don’t have any video.
Well, this year I plan on changing that. Don’t get too excited yet. I’ve tried making a few videos in the past, but I never really got too far.
I need to start small and work my way up. So I’m going to start with some Trap Team walkthroughs. We’ll see how that goes and I can work my way up from there.
I can’t promise it will be very exciting, but I will actually be acquiring most of my Trap Team footage through my Twitch stream. So if you want to watch, you can check it out here.
After recording, there will be a little bit of editing I need to do, but then the walkthroughs will be uploaded to my YouTube channel.
If you follow SCL on Facebook, you may have already heard a little bit about this, but an SCL App is in the works.
I have finally found a developer and we have started working together. The process will definitely take some time, but I do believe that the finished product will all be worth it.
If you’re interested in following this project, you can join this mailing list.
This list is completely separate from the general SCL Mailing List I mentioned above. This second list will only receive updates regarding the development, production, and release of the SCL App.
Final Thoughts
In just its second year, SCL has grown far past all of my wildest expectations.
Reading the dozens of thank you emails, Facebook messages, and tweets I get each week, tells me that I am doing something right. Over the past two years I know that I have helped thousands of you figure out Skylanders, whether you’re doing it for yourself or you’re looking to better understand what your children are talking about.
I created SCL to help others and I am so glad I have been able to do just that.
Thank you for an amazing two years and here’s to whatever the third may bring!
The post Celebrating 2 Years with SCL appeared first on Skylanders Character List.