
After doing our test flights with this wonderful tandem glider, we are selling it as we have to try other wings. We logged about 10 hours on it, and it is in perfect conditions.

A great chance to get an almost new Bibeta 6!

The Bibeta 6 was released at the end of 2016, and it is the first 3-line tandem glider we have flown. Great performance and lovely handling, almost like a solo wing, it is perfect for any tandem pilot. You can check out our first impressions and pictures of the actual glider on this teaser of our review: http://ojovolador.com/en/2017/01/18/new-advance-bibeta6-first-contact/

Contact us on info (at) ojovolador.com

Tel/whatsapp (Daniel): +34 619 787623

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