
If you follow my reviews at all, you know Mercyful Fate are one of my all-time favorite bands. The perfection of their classic brand of metal, intertwining harmonies, and throat-slitting riffs goes without saying. Michael Denner and Hank Shermann have not lost one iota of the marriage of their twin-axe attack in the 25-plus years since the release of the classic Mercyful Fate albums, and are they are here with Masters of Evil to prove to the world that classic metal still holds a strong place in the music world of modern age.

“Angel’s Blood” starts the album off in kick ass fashion. Sean Peck‘s vocals are spot on from beginning to end. “Son of Satan” brings forth a true classically-inspired feel. The song actually reminds me of something between Don’t Break The Oath and Painkiller era Judas Priest. Peck’s vocals are over the top!  The guitar solo breaks are absolutely crushing and such a signature of Denner/Shermann that, if you are a Mercyful Fate fan, you will recognize them immediately. “The Wolf Feeds at Night” opens in a flurry of guitars, then once again gives Peck the main stage. His mimicking, back and forth vocals, along with his best Ozzy Osbourne impersonation, make this one of the best songs on the album. “Pentagram and the Cross” is a little more straightforward, and it features a very catchy, yet dark chorus. The title track starts off in a more somber tone, then the twin guitars and galloping bass of Marc Grabowski and drums of Snowy Shaw kick in. The chorus is frantic and, once again, highlights the banshee-like vocals. “Escape from Hell” has a more traditional feel, and the guitars are over the top! From the shredding riffs in the verses to the chaotic solos, these guys really show why they are such an influence to modern metal. “The Baroness “is slower and darker, featuring more harmony and a more classical feel. “Servants of Dagon” is dark and brooding, and the hooks are catchy as hell, but the screaming guitars completely steal the song.

Denner/Shermann have produced a modern masterpiece of classical metal that crosses all genres and boundaries with Masters Of Evil. It has an old school NWOBHM feel without sounding dated.

Masters Of Evil is out June 24 on Metal Blade Records. Pre-order it here!

SkullsNBones Rating (Out Of 5):

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