
My previous post, 5 things that make me leave your blog, was generally well received. Apart from a bit of negativity, most people enjoyed it. So I thought it’s time for a part deux.

Nobody died and made me Queen of the castle or anything – these reasons for being put off a blog are subjective to me and are not a list of things you shouldn’t do.

I mean, there are many things that you shouldn’t do, but I love doing anyway – like pushing cotton buds really far into my ears to clean them and sharing too many links on Twitter. Awkward.

You might love some of the things that I find frustrating. That’s okay though, we can still be friends and I’m still up for hearing your opinion!

Let’s gogogooggogogogogogogogoogogogogkdotihjodjhojdhid.

1. Can’t find your latest post.

I come to your blog and there’s a flashing image under your header that scrolls through some recent posts.

Under that, there’s categories. There’s popular posts. There’s everything under the sun (or header!) apart from a way of seeing which post is your most recent.

In general, if I’m going to read your blog I may read a few posts, but I’m most likely to comment on your most recent so you don’t miss it. Help me interact with you.

2. Music plays in the background.

If I’m trying to listen to Tay Tay (I know, I know, don’t look at me like that. I don’t know what’s wrong with me, but my heart is pretty much set on marrying her?!) and your blog autoplays a song right as I’m getting down to the bridge of Blank Space, I’m going to be very sad faced.

It’s even worse if I can’t see where to hit the pause button!

It’s very rare that I’m writing blogs in silence, the clash of sounds if something plays is a really awful sound.

3. Pop-ups.

I know the data. I’ve seen the stats: when you have pop-ups to like a Facebook page, join an e-mail list etc, you see an increase in numbers.

But it just irks me so much. Especially those that have a delayed response time, so as you’re enjoying reading a blog post, everything fades and a LIKE ME ON FACEBOOK box pops up.

It’s like a loud drunk man singing in your face in a pub while you’re trying to chat with friends.

4. The post is a YouTube video.

While I appreciate the time, effort and how tedious it can be to edit, export and upload a video, also how YouTube is quickly overtaking blogs – I’ve come to a blog to read a blog post.

I’m usually listening to music or watching a TV show in the background while I’m reading blogs and while it’s nice to hear your voice, see your first video or introduction to YouTube (especially if I’ve been reading your blog for a while), anything beyond that is pretty wasted on me.

I’d love if a blog post containing a video would have a couple of photos about what that video is about and some writing along side it to allow me to read without having to watch the video. Or at the end of a post, there is a video posted and a few sentences asking people to check it out – I can deal with that.

If it’s just a post advertising a video and nothing else, it’s likely I’m not going to watch it.

It makes me feel a bit guilty saying that, like I want to watch and support you but I’m too busy watching Katie Hopkins on Celebrity Big Brother be a total knob to watch a YouTube video.

5. Your titles lie.

Thankfully, I don’t come across this a lot on blogs, but YouTube… well, YouTube is a whole different ball game.

When a title is bold, catchy, unique, surprising or shocking. But the topic of the post/video is not what the title infers it’s going to be. GAH.

Like, for example, if I was bloated and thought I looked pregnant and put my blog post title as I’M PREGNANT.

Not like I can con anyone into impregnating me.

I’m sure we’ve all had that feeling where we’ve read something, watched something or searched for something that’s given us the illusion that it’s going to contain something, but it doesn’t.

What things annoy you?

The post 5 more things that make me leave your blog appeared first on skinnedcartree.

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