Hello you social bloggers, you.
We had a great chat on Saturday around how you manage your time and blogging.
It’s a time consuming hobby, is blogging. You’re never really ‘done’. There’s always something that you could be doing, pre-writing posts, commenting on other blogs, tweeting, taking photos, redesigning your blog etc.
The problem with being a blogger is that there is something called real life that can get in the way. Fuck that shit man.
I publish a post every day on this blog. I also work full time. That means I have to be very aware of how much time I have and plan my blog posts well.
I probably spend between 30-40 hours a week blogging.This is the same amount of time I spend working. Help.
When I say blogging – I mean doing anything blog related such as:
Writing blog posts
Taking photographs
Editing photos and graphics
Commenting on other blogs
Promoting across social media
Reading and replying to e-mails
Researching blog related topics
Checking statistics
Typically, I’ll spend between 4-6 hours blogging after work and all day on a day off blogging, unless I have plans.
How do I manage all this? Well, I have made some sacrifices. There are some things I don’t do as much since I started blogging.
I’m not sure if sacrifice is the right word – it’s more that my priorities have shifted. Things I once enjoyed doing a lot are now not currently as important to me as my blog is.
I used to play a lot of video games before blogging. I was your typical teenage boy (what?). I spent hours on Minecraft, Call of Duty, Skyrim. I played all the Assassins Creed games, Final Fantasy and clocked around 120 hours on Oblivion. But now? – I’ve not switched my xBox on in months.
I also don’t watch as many TV shows as before, nor keep up with YouTubers as much. I used to watch LOADS of YouTube videos, but now I only really keep up with the Shaytards vlogs and will sometimes watch some others while getting ready/straightening my hair etc. I’m very behind on some of my favourite TV shows!
As a general rule – if I’m at home, I’m online blogging. Even if I do watch TV, I’m usually reading blogs at the same time. I can’t just sit and do nothing. People used to judge me at work for playing video games, saying it’s sad and a waste. But I enjoyed it because I was interacting with the game. I can’t just sit and watch TV. I’ve always been like that, even before the blog I would be on my laptop or playing a game on my iPhone while I was watching the telly!
I just feel like if I’m not doing something productive with my time, I’m wasting it. Blogging is a productive thing for me as it gives me many benefits. To grow a blog, grow it’s readers, traffic and build relationships and connections with others is something that is important to me and it gives me a real sense of.. job satisfaction?
With that being said, it is sometimes difficult to keep up with daily posting. I am full of ideas and I have a list of posts I want to write, it’s just the time that I struggle with! I plan my posts out in a calendar so I know what posts I am going to post on what day. I’ll try to get all the photos into the post as a draft as soon as possible and I’ll write what I can. I have around 10-15 posts in draft mode, some are more complete than others!
As my new job is going to get a bit demanding very soon, I’m starting to plan ahead. When I went on holiday to Florida, I somehow managed to write 15 posts and schedule them all so I did not miss a day while I was away. I’m going to try and do something similar in September as I’m going to just be SO busy between now and the end of September! It’s all in the planning!
Let’s get on with the chat
Q1: How much time do you spend blogging? #socialbloggers
@bloggerforums A1: way too much. Maybe like 4-5 hrs a day, sometimes more!! #socialbloggers
— Jessica ThePyreflies (@thepyreflies) August 9, 2014
@bloggerforums it really depends! sometimes I find myself blogging for 5-6 hours straight: brainstorming, writing, editing #socialbloggers — イiffany ▲nthonia ♥ (@COTShopaholic) August 9, 2014
@bloggerforums I’ve only just started so I’m spending a few hours getting evrything running and putting my blog out there #socialbloggers
— Nora (@norable97) August 9, 2014
@bloggerforums basically just a 3 – 4 hours per weekend day! Depends on the mood and time #socialbloggers I only sort out blog post then — Ludo / Animation (@aminae14) August 9, 2014
@bloggerforums not as much as I would like but I write as and when I feel like it right now #socialbloggers
— Emily (@emyleyblog) August 9, 2014
@bloggerforums not as much time as if like! Probably about 3/4 hours a week. Thank god for scheduling! #socialbloggers — Gemma (@GemmaMarieJames) August 9, 2014
@bloggerforums I spend loads of time blogging. I draft posts on lunch breaks. Take photos over the weekend &edit my drafts #socialbloggers
— eLLa (@evrylttlethng07) August 9, 2014
@bloggerforums overall in the week? Now I’d say 3/4 hours but when I’m teaching term time around 1/2 depending… #socialbloggers — Bella’s Beauty Blog (@BellaBeautyBlog) August 9, 2014
@bloggerforums a1) I pretty much blog between 16 & 32 hours a week….depending on how messed up my body is that week #socialbloggers
— Sally (@Wheelingalong24) August 9, 2014
@bloggerforums a1 at least an hour a day by the time you add up all social media! Hard to fit in on top of day job #socialbloggers — inher30s (@inher30s) August 9, 2014
@bloggerforums i find it hard to decide to something to write about! But I’ve decided to start writing about more than just beauty
— Emily (@emyleyblog) August 9, 2014
@bloggerforums About 2 hours every week. It includes writing, planning, researching everything. Even social media. #socialbloggers — Somdyuti Datta Ray (@hellodyuti) August 9, 2014
Q2: Have you had to sacrifice something you love so you can keep up your blog? #socialbloggers
@bloggerforums I hardly ever watch TV anymore! although that’s not much of a sacrifice #socialbloggers
— The Graduate Goddess (@graduategoddess) August 9, 2014
@bloggerforums luckily I really haven’t, I like to make sure my blog and personal life work alongside each other #socialbloggers — Albertine (@DippyWrites) August 9, 2014
@bloggerforums reading, it’s hard to find the time and when I do read I worry about my blog #socialbloggers
— Danniella Josephine (@_famousinjapan) August 9, 2014
@bloggerforums I wouldn’t say sacrifice. But, in my head when I’m out I think “oh shit I could be blogging” #socialbloggers — Rebecca (@QueenBeady) August 9, 2014
@bloggerforums nope, blog is a hobby and not an absolute must in my life. just a place where I can express the madness #socialbloggers
— Ludo / Animation (@aminae14) August 9, 2014
@bloggerforums a2, I used to be an avid reader but now in spare time I’m blogging! #socialbloggers — inher30s (@inher30s) August 9, 2014
@HannahDelacour4 @bloggerforums I’m the same! I’m not sure it would be fun if I had to sacrifice stuff for it! #socialbloggers
— Gemma (@GemmaMarieJames) August 9, 2014
@bloggerforums A2: when I worked FT I gave up blogging. Couldn’t do it!! That was my sacrifice, glad I have it back now. #socialbloggers — Jessica ThePyreflies (@thepyreflies) August 9, 2014
@bloggerforums not sacrifice completely, but I definitely read less as I struggle to find the time #socialbloggers
— LisaS (@IsItJustMeme) August 9, 2014
@bloggerforums nope, if anything I’ve sacrificed my blog to do things I love! But that could change as it grows #socialbloggers — Hazel Jane (@hazeljaneblog) August 9, 2014
@bloggerforums I definitely used to sacrifice reading to have time to blog, but now I am managing to make time for it #socialbloggers
— Becca (@Becca_J_Goddard) August 9, 2014
@bloggerforums Not really,I’ve managed to fit blogging, editing, taking pics and reading other blogs into my day-to-day life #socialbloggers — Joelle (@Joelle_o) August 9, 2014
@bloggerforums A2: Umm my afternoon nap? Yes, I definitely sacrificed that. Zzzz…. #socialbloggers
— Somdyuti Datta Ray (@hellodyuti) August 9, 2014
Q3: How do you keep an good balance between life and blogging? #socialbloggers
@bloggerforums When I get the blogging bug I go with it and write and schedule loads of posts, so I have more time to do other things
— Albertine (@DippyWrites) August 9, 2014
@bloggerforums A3. I wish I knew the secret formula to balance work, social life and blogging perfectly #socialbloggers
— eLLa (@evrylttlethng07) August 9, 2014
@bloggerforums I always plan to do things with friends – I hate not having plans! Blog has to fit around that #socialbloggers — The Graduate Goddess (@graduategoddess) August 9, 2014
@bloggerforums Week: varsitylife from 7am – 10pm. Weekend: blogging & catching up on work from the week or whatever else #socialbloggers
— Ludo / Animation (@aminae14) August 9, 2014
@bloggerforums Blogging is a hobby of mine! I don’t really have a problem juggling my life around it. :3 #socialbloggers — Letitia (@letitiaharriet) August 9, 2014
@bloggerforums with two kids, at the mo life takes over – could so do with advice on being more structured if anyone has some?
— Kirsty and Lucy (@Taleof2Pretties) August 9, 2014
@bloggerforums I prioritise life, but blogging always has a space. I make the most of the time I have nothing to do and blog #socialbloggers — Emma Luxton (@essaysandwine) August 9, 2014
@bloggerforums a3. I think after 4 years I’m only just starting to find the right balance and turn my laptop off more #socialbloggers
— Phoebe Miller (@PhoebeWedding) August 9, 2014
@bloggerforums Being a working parent, there has to be a balance. Just kind of slot it in as & when…& get up mega early! #socialbloggers — Married to a Geek (@MarriedtoaGeek1) August 9, 2014
@bloggerforums I struggle so much, I’m out of the house from 6:30am til 9pm most days, and then I’m exhausted #socialbloggers
— Ami Ford (@perksofbeingami) August 9, 2014
Q4: How do you stop burning out? #socialbloggers
@bloggerforums #socialbloggers when it’s flowing a4 I will write write write so I have loads of posts ready to go — Georgie (@georgienyc32) August 9, 2014
@bloggerforums I blog bit by bit, so I always have content I’m working on, taking breaks is also important! #socialbloggers
— Albertine (@DippyWrites) August 9, 2014
@bloggerforums a4. I’ll have a night off, early night, relaxing bath and then pop on a good film and crash out #socialbloggers — JustJulie (@JustJulie81) August 9, 2014
@bloggerforums occasional breaks and scheduling for in the future to give yourself time to catch up xxx
— Bella’s Beauty Blog (@BellaBeautyBlog) August 9, 2014
@bloggerforums by having a cup of tea or just sleeping! #socialbloggers quite time in the library is the best — Ludo / Animation (@aminae14) August 9, 2014
@bloggerforums I have a cup of tea with my dad! He always puts me in a cheery mood when I’m stressed! #socialbloggers
— The Graduate Goddess (@graduategoddess) August 9, 2014
@bloggerforums I plan ahead so I can take a day off if I need to. And I don’t beat myself up for last minute posts! #socialbloggers — Dearest Darling (@DearestxDarling) August 9, 2014
@bloggerforums Have a day off “other stuff” ie housework I enjoy blogging so it’s not a chore – Rather blog than clean! #socialbloggers
— Married to a Geek (@MarriedtoaGeek1) August 9, 2014
@bloggerforums@DippyWrites i try to get atleast 3 posts written up on one day off and then tweek things during the week #socialbloggers — JustJulie (@JustJulie81) August 9, 2014
Q5: What’s your best time management tip? #socialbloggers
@bloggerforums Um, multitask and be a planner. Tell yourself what you are doing and when throughout a day. #socialbloggers
— Kelsey Gulick (@StyleMeGone) August 9, 2014
@bloggerforums Find your twitter primetime and schedule your future posts on Hootsuite or tweetdeck! It will save you! #socialbloggers
— Joelle (@Joelle_o) August 9, 2014
@bloggerforums work in allotted time blocks,you’ll get more done.And right click ‘find this image on google’ is a life saver #socialbloggers
— Phoebe Miller (@PhoebeWedding) August 9, 2014
@bloggerforums I write myself a schedule of what needs to be done and tick it all off as I do it #socialblogers
— The Graduate Goddess (@graduategoddess) August 9, 2014
@bloggerforums A5: Taking pictures in bulk/the same sitting is normally a really good time saver #socialbloggers
— Aimee (@CloudAimee) August 9, 2014
@bloggerforums blog when you are in the mood not because you have to. Saves time and you can sleep more #justsaying #socialbloggers
— Ludo / Animation (@aminae14) August 9, 2014
@bloggerforums i now have a printed calender, i slot in work, days off, social plans& my blogging days and work around that #socialbloggers
— JustJulie (@JustJulie81) August 9, 2014
@bloggerforums I try to write my posts 1 week in advance so I know I’m ready! #socialbloggers
— Faye (@FayeOlivia_) August 9, 2014
The post #socialbloggers 25 // Blogging and Time Management appeared first on Skinnedcartree.