
Have you ever thought about what you could be doing with the time you spend commuting?

Enjoying casually sipping your morning latte, instead of gulping it down like a velociraptor with a public transport pass?

Helping your daughter with her homework (Read: trying to keep up as she helps you understand the new math!), instead of breathing exhaust fumes as you inch down the highway?

NOT feeling doomed to spend hours swearing at your fellow motorists or elbowing for a seat every, single, solitary working day of your whole career?!

End Your Endless Journey

Even the most insightful of city planners could not have imagined the information that job search site Flexjob’s recent article about the 10 worst cities for commuting revealed.

But, don’t give up hope! If you’re living in one of those places, you have another choice… Because, as that article explains, many cities with the worst drive-time traffic also have the most flexible jobs opportunities.

So, even though your employer is based in the same city as you, working for them remotely means your commute can go from 2 hours to just 20 seconds as you hop, skip, or jump to your home office located in your living room, kitchen table, or renovated garden shed. #sighofrelief

Not only will you get back a significant chunk of your day with jobs like these but you’ll also reap many other benefits of telecommuting like more flexible working times, less office politics, more productivity, less transport expenses, more YOU time, less driving time… You get the relaxed, no-commute, I-have-a-life-again picture.

Get Some Give in Your Job with Tech Skills

“Sign me up!” you shout as you rush out to buy that cool standing desk that wouldn’t fit in your cubicle. But… Before you give up your office job, you’ll need to land that remote job.

If you’ve got tech skills (for example, foundational ones like web design and web development or more specialized ones like WordPress or Ruby on Rails), you’ve got a great set of tools to go remote.

And the range of digital positions that allow (and even encourage!) flexible working is fantastic! Here are just a few of the real, live, tech telecommute jobs available right now as proof positive. The positions are each with a company based in one of the U.S. cities with the longest commutes, but they’re remote (obvs!) so you can apply no matter where you live.

NOTE: These listings are both directly from employers and from FlexJobs, which charges a small monthly fee for full access to its curated and easily-searchable postings.

Remote jobs with companies based in Atlanta

Product Designer
Tech skills needed: Photoshop/Illustrator/Sketch, UX, HTML/CSS, JavaScript

Front-End Web Developer
Tech skills needed: HTML/CSS, JavaScript, UI

Remote jobs with companies based in Boston

Instructional Design Analyst
Tech skills needed: UI/UX design

Front-end Software Engineer
Tech skills needed: HTML/CSS or JavaScript

Remote jobs with companies based in Chicago

Web Content Publisher
Tech skills needed: HTML/CSS, SEO, web content management

Email Production Consultant
Tech skills needed: HTML/CSS, Photoshop, web design/UX, SQL/databases

Remote jobs with companies based in Los Angeles

Web Designer
Tech skills needed: Web design, Web development, A/B testing

Email Marketing Strategist
Tech skills needed: Email services/platforms, HTML/CSS, media queries

Remote jobs with companies based in New York

Web Content Management and Portal Developer
Tech skills needed: Software development

Front-End Engineer
Tech skills needed: CSS, JavaScript

Remote jobs with companies based in Philadelphia

Front-End Web Designer
Tech skills needed: Web design

JavaScript Engineer
Tech skills needed: JavaScript, frameworks, AJAX/JSON, version control

Remote jobs with companies based in San Francisco

Freelance HTML Developer
Tech skills needed: HTML, JavaScript

Digital Manager
Tech skills needed: HTML/CSS, graphic design, video editing

Remote jobs with companies based in Washington, D.C.

Web Designer
Tech skills needed: Web design, Mobile web development

Front-End Developer
Tech skills needed: UI, HTML/CSS, preprocessors JavaScript, frameworks

Can’t wait to drop the driving and turn to telecommuting but need more info about how you can make the change? Just download the FREE “Ultimate Guide to Landing a Remote Job You Love”. It’ll tell you everything you need to know to conquer your commute and take your career from terrible to terrific!

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