
Metro Mold and Design (MMD) is a Rogers, MN based, one stop shop for rapid mold manufacturing, custom plastic injection molding, thermoset plastic molding, extrusion blow molding, and precision CNC machining.  With an expanding operation, they contacted SJF in the fall of 2013 to assist in a layout and move into an new shipping warehouse.  MMD was at the time occupying and older warehosue with little lighting and low cieling, and was planning a move to a newer building with a 32′ ceiling.

The plan was to install very narrow aisle (VNA) rack to max out warehouse space in the new building.  After discussing it with SJF, MMD decided on a different plan altogether.

With an addidtional 1,000 pallet positions over the old warehouse, a narrow aisle system would fit the current warehouse needs on a smaller budget than VNA.  When the space fills up and more space is required, a second layout of VNA is achievable simply by moving the aisles closer, adding racking in the new space, and swapping forklifts.  SJF designed and provided drawings to MMD, and the project was underway.  Our crews installed new rack and took down the old racking in one week.  The old rack was purchased by SJF and used as a credit on the new racks.

Sam Sterner was the sales person and project coordinator for install/teardown on this job.  Sam can be reached at samsterner@sjf.com

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