
We have a SharePoint 2010 webpage using a map created with ESRI GIS tools. The map is embedded within an iFrame (the iFrame usage was highly suggested with the ESRI map). Dojo is used in coding the map in the iFrame.

The code snippets (added below) will refresh the parent page after "hiding" a popup window generated by the iFrame map. Refreshing works fine in IE9. Why doesn't the refresh work in Chrome or Safari?

Parent page:

This is the Dojo code in the iFrame embedded page (which contains a map):

dojo.connect(map.infoWindow, "onHide", function(){
//This will only be called when a user clicks the "x" or close button.
//The infoWindow also has an onhide event that is called more often ( whenever the map is clicked or the info window is closed with escape key or close button clicked).
parent.postMessage('closed', 'http://gisdev02');

Thanks for your help.

- Rey

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