
Upgrading to phpBB 3.1 may cause some extensions to no longer work. All styles will need to be updated, even if they give the appearance of working.
phpBB 3.2 is not completely backwards compatible with 3.1 and custom edits may no longer work. The easiest upgrade method is to remove all existing files prior to upgrading and re-applying custom changes after verifying their correctness.

A- Preparation

Backup all board files and the database.

Ensure that your server meets the requirements for running phpBB 3.2: Section 1.1, “Requirements”

Download the full package.

Unzip to your desktop and open the phpBB3 directory.

Remove (delete) the config.php file, and the /images and /files directories from the newly downaloded package.

In Administration Control Panel (ACP) > GENERAL > Board Configuration > Board settings
Default style: prosilver
Override user style: Yes

If spambot countermeasures are enabled: Administration Control Panel (ACP) > GENERAL > Board Configuration > Spambot countermeasure if the installed plugin used is not GD image, GD 3D image, Simple image, Q&A, or reCaptcha, then change it to one of those.

Server configuration disable Gzip

Deactivate any extensions which are not compatible with phpBB 3.2. Check with the extension author to find out if an extension is compatible or not.

B- Clean-up OPTIONAL
If you have more than a few EXTs or otherwise want to remove old entries from the database so you can start from a fresh forum by removing everything except for your users, topics and default configuration:

Download and uncompress the Unofficial STK

Upload the stk directory from Support Toolkit package to the root of your board installation. (You might need to rename the downloaded folder to "stk")

In your browser go to http://www.example.com/yourforum/stk, login if necessary.

Using the menus navigate to ADMIN TOOLS > Database Cleaner and run that tool.

C- File replacement

Via FTP or SSH delete everything from your board installation on the server EXCEPT for the config.php file, and the /files, /images, and /store directories.

Via FTP or SSH upload the remaining files and directories (from step iii above) to the root of your board installation on the server overwriting the existing files.

In your browser go to http://www.example.com/yourforum/install/

Click the Update tab

Click the Update button

Select "Update database only" and click Submit

Wait for the progress bar to reach 100% and for a message indicating that the update has completed

Delete the install/ directory via FTP or SSH delete the /install/ directory from the root of your board installation.

Time to install your new Premium Shiny Theme for phpBB 3.2 FLATBOOTS

Grab some coolness here:

You now have a new up to date board containing all your users and posts. All went well? You are LUCKY. Congrats!


If you use languages other than the standard British English you will need to find new language packs, upload those to the board, and install those languages again: ACP > CUSTOMISE > Language Management > Language packs.

Only use a good FTP or SSH client, such as FileZilla, to transfer the files. (File transfer utilities provided in host control panels can cause problems.)

Ensure that the root level .htaccess file is included in the upload. Some FTP clients do not show files whose names start with a period and you may need to enable the display of hidden files.

If your board made use of language packs other than British English, you will need to download a version that is compatible with phpBB 3.2 from

Common problems while updating



Do not put the board in Offline mode when you are about to run the update. (it will result in a phpBB error notice later on and you might be worried about something just broke :- ) )

For large boards, you may wish to update via the command line instead of using a web browser. From your board's root, execute the following command: php ./bin/phpbbcli.php db:migrate --safe-mode

Are you on NGINX and PHP7 and the installer is not running? See my post here:


When uploading the 3.2 files to your server, do NOT overwrite your config.php.

When backing up your files, ensure that your FTP client is in binary mode or transfers files without extensions in binary mode.

This is quite lengthy process and it is suggested only if you already have experience with phpBB and an update process. Make sure you also have enough time as you cannot just interrupt it and resume it later. I am Available as usual to perform the update for you if you prefer to avoid headaches. I will be charging depending on the board size and update type, migrations etc. Contact me via PM or email for a quote.

Statistics: Posted by ThemeSplat — Today, 4:39 am

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