
WilsWorld – Big Changes, Big Rewards

UW Oshkosh Polk Library

What is so obvious that we should be doing?

Why do we only concentrate on doing things right?

Don’t just do things right, do the right things.

Big Challenges identified in 2010

Technology services

Electronic resources management

Information Literacy

Distance learning

In 2 Years

2 staff budget lines not funded

Staff shrank from 26 to 24

5 new Position descriptions created

7 existing positions altered

Tried to make the best of large period of change

Big Results in Technology

Library Technology Services Department – not a single person

Time to develop and innovate

Leader on campus and beyond

Big Results in Electronic Resources Management

Better coordination from start to finish with fewer people touching it

Better customer service and response time to issues

Clearer responsibility

ERMS – CORAL : Electronic resources management system

Big Results in Information Literacy

New University Studies program

Dedicated librarian for information literacy on campus

Increase in instructional sessions

ANVIL – information literacy modules for video and assessment modeled on bar games; platform has been open sourced recently

Big Results in Distance Education

Enhanced support for Nursing and Life Long Learning

New emphasis by College of Business with focus on providing majority of course material on Kindles

Big change was inevitable!

Learn from mistakes

All staff and areas are critical to big change

Very easy for people who aren’t part of the flashy new services to feel left out, but they are critical to the success of the changes.

Innovation can happen in a time of reduced funding. You don’t need additional resources.

Where can you reduce your effort. Where do you need to put more effort.

Beloit College

Doing more with less since 2008 with loss of one staff position out of staff of 10

In 2011, doing incremental changes

ILS changes needed to keep functioning

Growth in use of archival program

Tight space issues on campus

New curriculum being launched

Change in use of summers

Staff retirements

Donor funded new position

Surprise staff departure in 2012

Recruited in 2013: Collections coordinator, Digital archivist and Consulting librarian

Accelerated ILS changes


Environmental monitoring



Focus on community goals

Balance efforts to match outcomes

Prompts, reminders and accountability


Streamlined operations and collection management workflows

New digital archives program

Increased capacity for one-on-one support

Reconnecting with campus on new ways

Created workgroups for core processes

Faster work pace and higher energy, developing higher confidence for team

Madison Public Library

Renovated Central Library at same time as new director

First six months learned about organization and community

Changed policy to allow food and drink in all libraries

If you have 100% buy in, you aren’t making a big enough change.

Brought back All Staff Day

Changed Mission and Vision statements

Building had already been completely designed but added Makerspace to ground floor instead of regular meeting room

Needed to engage all of community on many different levels and that involved staff

Allow staff to explore, try things, and create connections in community

It’s about risk not change which happens anyway. Risk had to be promoted. Challenge staff to fail.

You won’t be successful without a couple of really good failures. If you aren’t risking failure, you aren’t moving the library forward enough.

Opportunities for people in their 20s and 30s – local bands, cocktails, art openings, etc.

They return and see the value in the library

Started doing more private functions at the library with more after hours events

15 weddings, corporate events

Collaborative environment

Libraries in past developed the content but want to offer platform to allow community to create content

44 albums of local music with licensed music

Creating history of music in Madison

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