
SIS is very pleased to invite you to the second semester Parent Teacher Conferences on April 2nd and 3rd. These conferences are essential for effective communication between home and school, thus we encourage all parents to attend. Please consider the following to make the most of your time during the conferences:

High School parents can make appointments by having their child sign-up via Moodle. Students should log-in to their Moodle account, and select “PTC Scheduler” located on the left of the screen. Students can then select the individual teachers their parents wish to see and select the best time slot available. The “PTC Scheduler” will be open from March 18th to March 29th for students to make appointments for their parents. Detailed instructions will be on the front page of Moodle starting March 18th.

Parents of grade 9 and 10 students can make individual appointments with their child’s counselors by having their child sign-up in Moodle under their counselor’s name.

Parents of grade 11 and 12 students can meet individually with Mr. Schneider about the college application process by signing up in Moodle as well.

Parents of grade 11, please note that Mr. Schneider will be presenting on both April 2nd and 3rd at 10:30 AM for an hour in the auditorium for parents of juniors who will be applying for college at the start of next school year.

Based on feedback from parents we will not be printing report cards prior to Parent Teacher Conferences. As the process for entering data, printing and distributing report cards takes some time, often the grades in Powerschool have changed between the creation of the report card and the Parent Teacher Conference. For this reason please login to Powerschool prior to your conference for the most recent information.

Because each parent conference is ten minutes in length some conversations may go beyond the allotted time. Parents should feel free to use the “drop-in” times to continue a conference. Parents can drop-in on teachers from 10:00 to 11:25 AM and from 2:00 to 3:00 PM both days. Similarly, if parents are late for or miss a conference they can use the “drop-in” times. We very much look forward to seeing parents at the conferences. If you have any questions or require additional information please contact the high school office.


Jarret Lambie

High School Principle

Seoul International School

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