If you are a business owner that needs a website but haven’t had the time and money. Or you presently have a website but it is not what you envision it to be. Then, why not use WordPress?
You would ask why people favour it so much. People have so many alternatives, but why one out of five websites are created on WordPress?
WordPress is the most popular CMS for creating blogs or websites which were used by more than 26.4% of the top 10 million websites as of April 2016.
Here are 10 reasons why you should use WordPress to run your website:
So much more than just blogging
It is Open Source
Professionally Designed Themes
Search Engine Friendly
WordPress Community
Ready for Mobile Web
Easy to use
Numerous eCommerce solutions
1. So much more than just blogging
It can be occasionally called by certain people as JUST another blogging platform, the fact is that WordPress is an enormously versatile tool, competent of accomplishing some pretty remarkable things. It can handle websites for:
Video Collection
Service/Appointment Booking
Classified Ads Listing
Question Answer Forum
Knowledge base/Wiki
2. It is Open Source
You can easily find the original source codes publicly available. This means you can improve or modify the source code to create the right site for your needs. Plus, it is also free from commercial restrictions and limitations.
3. Professionally Designed Themes
WordPress Themes allows you to change the appearance and functionality of your website without altering the content and vitality of the website, without the expense of hiring a web designer.
4. Plugins
Plugins add intricate business features without having to hire a web developer. WordPress has over 40,000 plugins available, each of which contributes custom functions and features enabling you to tailor your site to your specific needs.
5. Search Engine Friendly
The most popular search engines favour sites that are powered by WordPress because it’s framework is easy to crawl. Google Engineer, Matt Cutts said, “tons of SEO issues are automatically resolved by WordPress”.
6. WordPress Community
WordPress also comes with fantastic support. This is in part to the widespread WordPress community where you can troubleshoot any question or concern through the WordPress Forums. It is maintained by a large group of volunteers majority of whom are WordPress specialists with an active interest in developing and maintaining WordPress.
7. Ready for Mobile Web
Nowadays, it is more important for a website to be mobile friendly to accommodate smartphones and tablets. Thanks to many WordPress responsive themes that are making this happen.
8. Multi-user
When running a business, there is a possibility that you will rely on several people to help you manage your website. WordPress made it easy for you to assign various tasks for different individuals like Admin, Author, Editor and Subscriber.
9. Easy to use
The platform is user-friendly, intuitive and easy to learn. The WordPress dashboard always looks the same no matter what you’re using WordPress for. One click and you can customise your website or publish your content.
10. Numerous eCommerce solutions
This will transform your site into an all-out digital store which you can easily begin to make money online. WooCommerce is one of the best eCommerce plugins which provides extensive features and user-friendly experience.
Overall, Wordpress is the easiest CMS to adopt to your business website which you can have complete control. We highly recommend to use it!
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