People all over the world are diagnosing themselves with a gluten allergy.Yes, diagnosing themselves without a doctor. I find that funny because you can’t actually have a gluten allergy. You either have celiac disease, wheat allergies or a non-celiac gluten sensitivity that contribute to gluten reactions. And the people that diagnose themselves usually think gluten is wheat. A big LOL to that. Gluten is a mixture of protein found in most wheat, rye, and barley.
Just because something says “gluten free” on it doesn’t make it any healthier for you than a product with gluten. Unless, your doctor has diagnosed you! The whole gluten free fad annoys me. Companies are pushing it to sell more products and people are buying it in hope to be just as skinny as the celebs promoting the gluten free diet without an actual reason.
I know I’ll have tons of upset comments but I’m ready for it. Let me start by saying “I am beyond annoyed with the trend, the fad, the hollywood diet…also knows as being gluten free. This is not a post bashing people with a diagnosed (by doctor) gluten sensitivity. This is just my frustration with people who don’t educate themselves on what being gluten free is all about. I’m tired of hearing silly comments on what gluten will do for them. If going gluten free cures everything and it’s as great as it’s talked up to be, then the Catholics should canonize it as a Saint.
I can’t imagine how annoying it is for people with actual celiac disease, wheat allergies or a non-celiac gluten sensitivity to watch the gluten free fad explode. It’s awesome that more gluten free products are being offered for them, but its incredibly annoying to see people CHOOSE to go gluten free when people with actual medical issues were never given the choice to CHOOSE! Their eyes must be sore from all the rolling that happens when they hear an uneducated comment about gluten. I feel as if most of the gluten free companies, skinny celebrities, and bloggers are to blame for this trend. Yes…it’s a trend.
I can’t imagine how annoying it is for people with actual celiac disease, wheat allergies or a non-celiac gluten sensitivity to watch the gluten free fad explode. It’s awesome that more gluten free products are being offered for them, but its incredibly annoying to see people CHOOSE to go gluten free when people with actual medical issues were never given the choice to CHOOSE! Their eyes must be sore from all the rolling that happens when they hear an uneducated comment about gluten.
I feel as if most of the gluten free companies, skinny celebrities, and bloggers are to blame for this trend. Yes…it’s a trend.
Where the heck were her reps? Don’t get me wrong, I like Miley Cyrus but that tweet is another reason this fad is drawing all kinds of people into the gluten free world. First…she called it an “allergy”…which just goes to show she most likely diagnosed herself. The fact that she said gluten free is “crappy” also goes to show she has no idea what she is talking about. There is nothing wrong with gluten. These websites and celebs need to stop associating gluten free with weight loss. That’s the reason why this fad is getting out of hand. “Oh my gosh! Miley Cyrus is stick thin from not eating gluten, maybe we should do that too!” Um no. Don’t do that. Gluten free products still contain sugar, carbohydrates, fat, sodium, and all the other weight gaining factors in their products. Want to lose weight? Hit the gym…I heard Miley works out everyday.
Gwyneth says that her daughter, Apple, has celiac disease. I can understand her reasoning for going gluten free to make her daughter safe in the house. BUT…there are interviews of her admitting that she is always about the health kicks, juice cleanses, and zero sugar diets. This article had a link included “medical issues a couple of years ago”. I thought I’d be directed to her gluten free decision but was instead directed to a article about her miscarriage and nothing to do with being gluten free. You are welcome OK! Magazine for the page clicks. She also talks about switching to a gluten free diet to look her best, but hasn’t she always looked incredible? Was she gluten free this entire time! I bet its the running, yoga, and walks on the beach in the Hampton’s that keeps her in tip top shape. Or the expensive trainers. I doubt gluten is the culprit for her body.
Did any of you watch The Simple Life? Nicole Richie loved cigarettes, drinking alcohol, messing up onion rings at sonic, and cooking dinner with the hotel’s iron. How in the world did she come up with a gluten free ginger bread cookie recipe that looks incredible? I searched and searched for a reason of her “gluten free” decision and got nothing. All I could find was “I felt great, weight loss, we are a healthier family…blah blah blah”, but WHY!? If you are going to preach something, then please inform us as to why you made this change to your diet.
1. Because your doctor told you to!
If your doctor told you to give up gluten for medical reasons, there is no need to argue! Go ahead and do your thing!
2. Because someone in your house has a diagnosed medical issue that involves gluten and you want to support them.
This makes sense. If someone in your house has a serious sensitivity to gluten, its safer for them if you cut it out too. Maybe just cut it out at home. No one will tell if you sneak in a gluten filled muffin into your breakfast in the morning. But making gluten free meals, buying gluten free products and supporting the gluten free lifestyle for someone you care about is a kind gesture. I’m not saying I could do that. Sorry, J.
3. It’s the closest you’ll ever get to being in a cult.
Have you ever read comments on the bottom of websites or videos from gluten free people? They scare me. God help the person who isn’t gluten free who tries to add in some commentary.
4. You will make so many gluten free friends
This isn’t a bad thing, but I’d love to make friend who talk about more than gluten. I’ve seen people become instant friends after talking about their gluten allergy, their favorite gluten recipes, and everything gluten from make up to their shoes. I’m surprised they don’t have a Gluten Free dating site yet.
5. You like a challenge.
Some people aren’t afraid of challenges and hunt them down. Elle Woods was looking for a challenge. She should go gluten free! It can be a challenge to find gluten free items at restaurants that weren’t cross contaminated, baking your favorite dessert the gluten free way or researching ingredients.
6. You feel like pissing off your taste buds.
Sometimes there are gluten free foods that are pretty tasty and others just suck. Maybe that’s why people lose weight. The bagels, muffins, and desserts are nothing compared to the gluten filled bagels. Fight me all you want…Even this little girl thinks so…
7. You like to complain and bitch a lot. (don’t worry we all do)
Whenever I read articles like “Problems Only Gluten Free People Understand” I want to punch my computer screen. I’d rather read troll comments about my blog than those cry baby problems. Like…people are dying, starving, fighting cancer and homeless all around the world. I DON’T CARE IF YOU CAN’T EAT GLUTEN BY CHOICE. Some of my favorite eye rolling points…
You’re right we should be more sensitive to your needs. We should spend less time doing charity work and more time researching which products have gluten in them.
Um…maybe instead of explaining to your waiter three times that you can’t have gluten, you should have said no croutons.
8. I don’t even have an 8th reason, so I’ll let you fill me in, in the comment section.
1. That’s how the celebrities keep their weight off.
So they say! I bet their weight loss is from trips to the gym and their overpriced trainers. Also, they can afford all things organic and raw. Not saying that raw or organic foods make you thin…thats another crazy craze that I won’t get into today.
2.Because I got a stomach ache after eating pizza.
I watched a blogger diagnose herself on a youtube channel today. She ate a fiber one bar after eating a larabar and then laid on her friends couch with a stomach ache. Her mom told her to give up gluten (way to go mom) and she was immediately cured. Um…fiber bars do the same thing to me and I’m not gluten free. I mean in one week her face cleared up, her energy was higher than ever, and she lost so much weight, and she never felt better. I wish someone would have given this girl a placebo. I would have respected her more if she would have gone to a doctor first and then shared her experience with her followers. Now, all of her followers are going to go gluten free in hopes to feel the same. AWESOME! There are so many other factors as to why you get stomach aches. If you google gluten free bloggers on youtube, you’ll have endless entertainment. No I’m not bashing all gluten free bloggers. Just some. (BY CHOICE)
3.It’s incredibly expensive
Think eating healthy is expensive? Just go gluten free! You get to pay extra for simple carbohydrates and foods with fillers to make it taste better! Sure there are ways to make it less expensive but you are paying for convenience, so if you have all the time in the world…go for it!
4. You can’t eat out at most restaurants
It’s true. Sure you can choose a meal that doesn’t have gluten in it, but that doesn’t mean it wasn’t cooked in the same fryer as fried chicken wings, cut with the same bread knife, or baked in the same mixer as the non gluten free cupcakes. If you’re going to be gluten free, you better do it right. Don’t need any of that half assed stuff.
5. To lose weight
Gluten is not a carb. If you’re feeling bloated and overweight from eating cakes, cookies, bagels and other sugary carbs, it’s most likely the sugar and carbs that are making you feel that way. It’s not the gluten so stop pointing your finger at it! Gluten isn’t even a carb it just happens to appear in wheat, rye, and barley. It’s actually a protein. How about you watch your sugar and carb intake instead? Did you know gluten is found in soy sauce which doesn’t happen to be bread? Gluten will NOT make you lose weight. You just sound ridiculous and too lazy to go to the gym. Did you know Dominos makes gluten free pizza now? I bet it’s carb free, fat free and sugar free!
6. To Eat Healthier
Most gluten free products are meant to taste good and just as great as the “non gluten free” products. You’re basically paying double for starchy gluten free substitutes that are basically sugary simple carbohydrates. They use these substitutes to make them taste “better”. Ever wonder why your gluten free baked goods are never as good as the ones in the store? Probably because you don’t add corn starch, rice starch, or potato starch! Do yourself a favor and read the ingredients. Stop looking for “gluten” ingredients. Look at the others listed. I’d rather drink a bottle of gluten. If you are looking for a clean healthy diet, maybe try paleo? Go the unprocessed route if you’re looking for “health”. I repeat…”gluten free does not mean healthy”.
7. It’ll help your bloat
Is gluten really making you bloat? Are you sure it’s not all of the carbohydrates you’re indulging, high fiber, high sodium, or the sugar? If you keep pointing the finger at gluten, someone is going to cut it off. Before you cut out gluten, try a limiting carbonated soda drinks, chewing gum, sugar free foods, sodium, gassy vegetables. Replace those with foods that reduce bloat such as: asparagus, ginger, lemon, pineapple, cucumber, apple cider vinegar, green tea, black coffee fennel. Stick to natural foods rather than processed gluten free products.
8. Because Doctor Oz told you too!
Good lord! Would you guys stop listening to Dr. Oz ! He’s the biggest hypocrite contradicting TELEVISION HOST I have ever watched. I’d rather listen to Oprah’s weight loss tips.
I won’t link any blogs, say any names or anything to direct this comment in any direction…but I roll my eyes at so many bloggers who have diagnosed themselves with a “gluten allergy”. I mean why do we even need doctors anymore? Sometimes I feel like they just want a sponsorship from a gluten free company…by all means. I eat gluten free foods all the time but not because they are “gluten free” but because they taste awesome! Some of my favorite? Fruit, vegetables, yogurt, nuts, chicken, fish, cheese, hummus, beans, etc…but that doesn’t make me gluten free.
Now…before you chose to comment something really mean that most likely will not make me cry, remember that this post is not to bash people WITH an actual doctor diagnosed medical issue that has to do with gluten. It’s about the FAD, THE TREND, and THE CRAZE! I still make “gluten free” recipes but thats because some people can’t have it by choice.