The business world is going through a digital revolution. Every day in the past 10 years, search, social media, web & mobile applications have transformed the way we find products, work, shop, communicate, collaborate and entertain.
Has your business harness the power of this revolution? If not, here is help….
Centre for Continuing Education, run by the prestigious University of Sydney has introduced two new courses:
Internet Business Strategy (10 October 2012); and
Internet Business Implementation (8 November 2012) – Both courses will be held at CCE located right next to the university campus.
So, what’s different? This is a set of two related, well-researched, tested and practical course that is far from the noise of advice, information and hype about digital, mobile and social media.
First, on 10 October, we will build an understanding of digital business and its strengths and how to leverage it to succeed, whether in generating more leads and customers, retaining them or to use digital technologies in operations and customer service. Learn how to research your online market, customer & competitors, position your web business and set your objectives.
Register for the Internet business Strategy Course today.
This course will help you have the right knowledge and insights and specific framework to build a digital strategy for your business – not just tactics and tools around Facebook & Twitter, but a long term sustainable strategy to use today’s digital technologies for future success.
Then, on 8 November, we will change gears from strategy to execution. We will discuss the nuts and bolts of domain name & online brand building, hosting, how to choose suppliers to build your website and run your marketing campaigns, how to manage digital website projects that complete on time and on budget, plan your schedules, organise your resources, set up your team to build and manage your digital assets and marketing. We will discuss options in building, marketing and measuring your digital assets while building your team’s digital skills. All this in a vendor neutral environment – We will discuss the best options – wherever and whoever provides it.
Register for the Internet Business Implementation course today.
These two courses will help you make new beginnings in your online business. So, equip yourself with the very best content and training to succeed in online business.
How to enrol
Click on Enrol now on the right side of the courses you wish to take.
and then proceed to check out.
Get the advantage of a well-thought out Internet business strategy, implemented well.