
Big news for allergy sufferers and for parents with kids who have allergies!

Kaléo, a privately held pharmaceutical company, is now offering free epinephrine auto-injectors (aka EpiPens) to qualifying patients. Kaléo’s more affordable alternative to the brand-name EpiPen is called Auvi-Q. According to the company’s website, “Patients with commercial insurance, even those with high-deductible plans, will have an out-of-pocket cost of $0. For patients who do not have government or commercial insurance, and have a household income of less than $100,000, Auvi-Q will be available free of charge.”

As of Feb. 14, AUVI-Q will be available by prescription nationwide.

Allergic reactions can be serious, painful and even fatal. According to The Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, allergies are on the rise, with as many as 30 percent of adults and 40 percent of children suffering from allergies.

Food allergies are not just dangerous and potentially life-threatening. They are also expensive. According to Food Allergy Research & Education, children’s food-related allergies cost nearly $25 billion per year.

EpiPen, an injection containing epinephrine that can help decrease or stop the impact of an allergic reaction, has been shown to be a life-saving tool that is invaluable for anyone suffering from severe allergies. However, many parents cannot afford the hefty price tag that comes with the medication.

Indeed, Mylan, the owner of the EpiPen brand, recently came under fire when they increased the cost of EpiPen by more than 400 percent. (The drug used to cost $100.)

But, there is even more good news (and lower-cost alternatives). Pharmacy giant CVS recently announced that they will also widely stock Adrenaclick, another generic verison of EpiPen that can be purchased for as little as $10 with a coupon. By boosting inventory of Adrenaclick around the country, CVS is helping to ensure that patients of all economic backgrounds will have improved access to this life-saving medication.

This is a prime example of what's wrong with #pharmaceutical companies. This does the EXACT same thing as the #epipen! It's the #generic form of a competitor. And it only cost me $25. Instead of $600. — #whypaymore #genericworksjustaswell #savemoney #adrenaclick #allergies #lifesaving #epinephrine #anaphylaxis

A photo posted by Adrienne Brand (@mamabearbrand) on
Oct 17, 2016 at 9:38am PDT

By providing these rival generic alternatives to EpiPen and Mylan’s off-brand, CVS retailers are helping to offer low-cost, life-saving options for kids and adults everywhere. After all, Food Allergy Research & Education says that there are 1 in 13 kids (or about two children per classroom) who have allergies. Every three minutes, someone goes to the emergency room as a result of an allergic reaction. Teens and young adults are at the highest risk of fatal food-induced anaphylaxis, a life-threatening reaction, can be caused by food, insect bites and medicine.

Don't just complain, send a message! I've already hit my out of pocket max for the year so anything I get costs me nothing. But no EpiPen for me. #adrenaclick #epipen #mylan #screwyou

A photo posted by Pam Hutchins (@phutchins415) on
Oct 27, 2016 at 12:43pm PDT

Without access to medication like epinephrine auto-injectors, people die. As a country, we need to do better. Thankfully, steps such as this decision by CVS are taking us in the right direction.

[h/t: Huffington Post]





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