
NABISCO Multipacks is Sponsoring All Youth Soccer Teams

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With summer just around the corner now is the perfect time to get you and your family active. If you have children you know that taking part in sports can get quite expensive overtime. Have you heard about Pear? Pear is a social engagement platform that helps brands and communities build meaningful connections through sponsorship programs, gifts, awards, and more. Companies usually have money to donate however they often don't know where to donate it. Pear is passionate about Marketing that Matters. They play the role of middleman to help connect sponsors and groups in need.

Pear has just recently launched another big sponsorship program with NABISCO Multipacks. Nabisco is sponsoring youth soccer teams--new this year teams 18 and under!

Program Details: Earn up to $1,000 for custom apparel or equipment for your team by getting sponsored by NABISCO Multipacks on Pear. Getting started is simple and free! To start, create a group page by uploading a team photo. Then, invite friends and family to support your team! Our platform makes rallying your supporters a breeze. Your group has ten days to complete short online tasks, such as liking NABISCO’s Facebook page. The more people who engage, the more money your team is awarded – it’s that easy. At the end of your sponsorship, simply claim your award and begin your custom order. This program is only available for a limited time, so get sponsored on Pear today!

More about NABISCO: NABISCO Multipacks are the perfect on-the-go snack for your soccer season! NABISCO Multipacks is making it more exciting and easier than ever to support local soccer. By sharing what you love about your community, you can earn funds and custom apparel for your team. Multipacks is dedicated to inspiring communities to make a difference by sponsoring local youth soccer teams through their Pass the Love Back program!
Visit here to learn more about the NABISCO Multipacks Sponsorship Program

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