
Written by contributor Rachel Wolf of Clean and Lusa Organics Skin Care

Homeschooling can be such serious business.

Each day you juggle more tasks than a CEO.

Learning styles, lunch, and laundry.

Geometry, groceries, and gardening.

Disputes, diapers, and long division.

It’s a big job you’ve taken on. 

And yes, also the most rewarding.

Even so, sometimes I get a little too serious about it.

Mired in the day-to-day, I forget how blessed I truly am.

I turn “life” into “work” and forget to have fun.

When that happens I need to remind myself to lighten up, relax, and enjoy the ride.

(You know. To balance out the occasional neurotic self talk of “Please, oh please, homeschooling mama. Don’t screw this up.”)

So let’s get to it. And take this journey up a notch.

5 Tips for a Happier Homeschool

1. Count your blessings

Is your life perfect? Of course not.

But is it brimming with blessings? Absolutely.

Mine is too.

I recently began posting a weekly list of blessings. And it’s changing me.

Make a habit of keeping track of everything that makes your life beautiful.

Involve your kids in projects to nurture gratitude.

And watch your list of what you are thankful for expand.

2. Stop comparing

Ourselves. Our kids. Our homes. Our lives.

We compare – consciously or unconsciously – day after day.

Enough with the crazy making! We’re all imperfect.

And we’re all on our just-right path.

Embrace your own. And forget about the rest.

3. Be flexible

We have a weekly homeschooling rhythm that we carefully follow.

Except when we don’t.

Because sometimes our plans go out the window.

We skip spelling and take a hike with friends. We go apple picking instead of heading to the library.

While routine is good for us, cutting class now and then is even better.

I love Renee‘s take on this in her post about “usually, not always”.

Being flexible means happy surprises for everyone.

4. For goodness sake, play!

Hello, there, happiness.

Life is fun, remember?

Cut loose now and then to shake up your state of mind.

I don’t care if play translates into a fuzzy fake mustache or  a day at the beach.

Whatever play means to you – do that.

It’s a simple, joyful way to reboot everyone’s attitudes and energy.

5. Make time for you

Repeat after me: Self-care is non-negotiable.

Yes, your kids matter.

And your partner matters.

And so do you.

Make time for self-care. It’s vital.

A solo walk each morning, weekly knitting with your friends, an entire weekend alone.

Whatever you need to recharge your battery, make time for it.

Because only you can take care of you.

And you matter. So much.

How do you cultivate happiness throughout your homeschooling day?

Click here to download Jamie's free e-book: Secrets of a Successful Homeschool Mom. Thanks for reading Simple Homeschool!


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5 tips for a happier homeschool is a post from Simple Homeschool

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