
I’m pretty excited about a brand new ebook bundle that’s coming up in a few weeks.  Its focus is on healthy living.  I really  need these books and resources because…well…I’m not living healthy.

I don’t know what’s happened to our family over the years, but we don’t exactly fall into the “healthy” category.  We used to be at least somewhat healthy, but not so much anymore.  Oh, we don’t drink gallons of soda or survive on chocolate for dinner (yum!), but we also don’t live an especially healthy lifestyle.

I think we’re all ready for a change.

When my husband left for work this morning, he told me that he needs to lose some weight.  I have my share of sluggishness, and I wouldn’t mind being able to breathe when I wear my jeans.  My kids seem to have minor ailments and sleep problems more often than they should.

Our entire family needs more nutritious foods, less sugar, and improved health.  We aren’t falling apart, but it seems like we aren’t feeling quite as good as we probably could. It’s time to get on the right track.

We need to get excited about being healthy.

With the beginning of the school year, we are ready for a fresh start.  We’re getting into a routine, cleaning up the house, and getting rid of clutter. This is the perfect time to add “get healthy” to that list of lifestyle improvements.

If I’m being honest, I’ll have to admit that I don’t quite know all the healthy “rules” these days.  In part, it’s because I’ve been lazy and have fallen out of the habit of making good choices, but it’s also because the rules have changed over the past few years.

I feel like I’m stepping into new territory.  I need to learn how to cook healthy meals my family will actually eat.  I want to hear more about essential oils and other natural remedies.  I’d enjoy knowing about skin and beauty treatments that aren’t full of chemicals I can’t pronounce.

Basically, I need an education.

Ready for a confession?  The last time I saw a “healthy living” bundle, I scoffed at it.

I knew my family wouldn’t want to take the leap into not wearing deodorant, or eating a vegetarian diet, or only buying organic foods.

I still think my family will rebel if I try to make them jump off the the deep end into unchartered healthy living territory.  But that’s why I’m excited about this new healthy living ebook bundle.  I don’t have to make every suggested change overnight.

Because I’ll have a wealth of resources at my fingertips, I can implement changes a little at a time.  I can help our family develop a healthy mindset. I can make small improvements and wait until we’ve adjusted before adding more.

I can get a healthy education and make choices that will have a positive affect on all of us.  I finally feel like I can actually do it instead of just moaning around and talking about it!

I’m getting really excited about all of this.

There’s a little bit of time before the bundle is released, but you can sign up now to be notified via email when it comes out.  It’s really easy and only takes a few seconds.

When you sign up through my links here, you are using my affiliate link.  That means that I get some benefits from your signing up.  And you can get benefits, too!

If you sign up to be notified when the bundle is released, you will also be given a referral code that you can use to share this ebook bundle with your own friends and family.  I get benefits from your sign-up, we both get benefits from your friends or family member’s sign-ups, and we all get benefits as the sharing continues down the line.

Anyone who refers 1 friend will receive $5 off their bundle! If you refer 5 friends you’ll receive a 12-session audio conference, and referring 10 will get you an Ultimate Healthy Living Bundle for absolutely free!

It’s a pretty cool deal for everyone! PLUS, you can receive commission for the sales that are made through your own link and the links your referrals share with someone down the line! Um…yes, please!

Sign up to be notified and start sharing!

All you need to do now is click over to add your email to the notification list.  Then, when you receive your own referral link, start telling others about it.  It’s as easy as that!

And to those of you who aren’t familiar with how affiliate programs and referrals work, let me assure you that this is NOT some sort of scam.  You won’t be asked to “buy in”, and you won’t be flooded with emails trying to sell you drugs to enhance your…um…you know.

The only purpose of this notification sign-up is to let you know when the bundle is released so you can purchase it if you think it’s a good deal and something that would be helpful to you. (Actually, I’ve already seen the cost breakdown, so I can promise you that it’s a good deal, but only you can decide if it’s something you’re interested in buying.)

And the purpose of the affiliate link program is to spread the word about this amazing ebook bundle.  It’s a way to market the bundle and reward you for your participation in spreading the word.  That’s it.  It really is a win-win.

If you’d like to know when this Ultimate Healthy Living Bundle releases and get your own link to start telling your friends and earning some benefits, then click over to Sign-Up NOW!

The post Ultimate Healthy Living Bundle {Coming Soon} appeared first on Gospel Homemaking.

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