
You have a space, my neighbor has a space, your local teacher has a space, the police officer has a space, the nurse has a space, but none of them have my space! It’s true everyone has their own space at MySpace now and it’s a place on the internet that is all yours. You can do anything that you want, because it’s your space. Now if you have been looking to add a little more excitement to your page at MySpace, then I got a great idea! How about adding a poll, quiz, test, or even a survey to it? It will encourage more people to participate at your MySpace page and the more people you have, is always the more fun you have!

Did you know that you can post Quibblo quizzes in your MySpace profile?

Heck Yah! I have done it

I know, but haven’t done it

Yes, but it didn’t work

Really? Cool, I will try it

Didn’t know, don’t care

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Survey by Quibblo

It’s really simple to add this and all you need is the code. Just copy and paste the code right into the HTML or Code place for your page and you have instant fun for people visiting your page! Just start thinking a little more creative and try adding MySpace quizzes or something else that will catch the eye of someone visiting your page. Once you see how easy this really is to do, you will be doing it all the time. I’m sure your traffic will grow by leaps and bounds when you discover the power of adding a survey or a test to your space!

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