
Change is the Only Way We Grow

Life is a paradox.

We only grow when we change but the human race is programmed to dislike change.

Each one of us have our own habits, routines and ways of thinking and we don’t like it when things change.

But change is the ONLY way we grow and get better.

I’m the perfect example of someone who dislikes change.

You can call me the most boring guy.

I have the same morning routine everyday…

I’ve been doing the same workout in the gym for almost the past 10 years…

I eat the same foods and never try anything new.

Yes… I am EXTREMEMLY BORING… If you want to make me feel better, you can call me “discplined” or “consistent.”

I realize my weaknesses and one of my goals is to force myself to do or think of something different each day.

Because I know that change is the ONLY way I can grow.

Growing Through Forced Changes

Once in awhile, life throws us a curveball and we are forced to change.

The bad news is that we have no choice and must go along with the ride.

The good news is that we are FORCED outside our comfort zone to do things we normally wouldn’t choose to do.

And the end result is positive.

I recently talked to Jethro, who is one of my 5 Star Mastermind members in Sydney, Australia and shared how the unexpected changes that I have encountered in the last 5 years have helped me grow as a person.

Most of the time these changes give us a lot more challenges than we anticipated.

From events such as my marriage, moving to a new neighborhood, to training Obi as a puppy, to raising Ethan. Each of these events have stretched me to do things outside my comfort zone and made me better.

I would not be where I am today if it wasn’t for them.

Exciting Changes Ahead

Ever since my son Ethan was born, the last 2 years have been a tough but rewarding journey.

The new member of the Chan family at 4 months old

And just as I got settled into my routine and figured how to balance and make everything work, I’m facing a new exciting change ahead.

In October, my wife is expecting our second child!

Note, I consider it our “third child” since Obi is always number one.

We don’t know whether it is going to be a boy or girl yet but as long as the baby is healthy we are happy.

Feeling Scared but Excited

Being scared but excited is the best way to describe how I feel.

I’m afraid of the new challenges and how I have to figure out this new game of life again.

But at the same time, I’m excited cause I know the end result will bring a lifetime of joy and memories.

I was asked by my wife to announce this exciting news to everyone and I thought the best way would be to share this special moment to all my loyal readers.

Thanks for all the prayers and for our friendship.







P.S. I’d like to share with you a Positive Force that will not only help you stay motivated but become successful in MLM.

I’d like to introduce to you my Simon Chan Insider’s Circle.

My Insider Circle was designed with one purpose in mind – To empower people of any skill level to increase their results in Network Marketing.

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The post Change is How We Grow and there are Exciting Changes Ahead! (#617) appeared first on Network Marketing Training by Simon Chan. Simon is a Global MLM Leader and Internet Marketer who teaches people how to earn extra income from home with a using a combination of online and offline strategies..

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