Actress Lavanya Tripathi was a vision in white at the audio launch of Victory Venkatesh and Nayanthara’s Babu Bangaram in Hyderabad this Sunday. Outfitted in a pearl-encrusted blouse and a gauzy white saree, the Bale Bale Magadivoy star kept it classy.
Onstage, the actress was vocal about her love for the film’s lead, Nayanthara. She said that she had agreed to be a part of the launch event as soon as she heard that the Iru Mugan actress would be there as well. Unfortunately for Lavanya, Nayanthara did not put in an appearance. There was no dearth of star power at the event, though, with the likes of Venkatesh and Ghibran in the front row.
Starring Venkatesh and Nayanthara, the film is directed by Maruthi and has music by Ghibran. The film will release on August 12.
Ghibran also tweeted a link to a compilation of the music:
Here is #BaabuBangaaram Jukebox ✌. Need your love and support as usual <img src="" alt="