
The Creative Young Entrepreneur Luxembourg (CYEL) is the yearly awards’ event organized by the Jeune Chambre Economique du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg (JCI Luxembourg) with BGL-BNP Paribas as Gold sponsor.

As a reminder, the competition is open for young entrepreneurs recognized for having used their creativity and imagination in solving a problem or developing a service and/or product.

The competition is open to any entrepreneurs based in Luxembourg, aged between 18 and 40 years. Candidates must be able to submit–as part of the launch or development of their business–a creative and innovative approach that created a positive impact on their work.

Anyone who has solved a problem, modified a process, introduced a new service, integrated a product creatively and with added value to their business may already take part in the contest.

The Jury members are selected within the entrepreneurship ecosystem of Luxembourg, and the president this year will be Vincent Hieff, Head of the Chamber of Commerce’s “Espace Entreprises”.

Three finalists will be awarded as the most creative and outstanding entrepreneurs in Luxembourg. Finalists will be honoured during an official ceremony on June 10, 2015, and will be awarded the prizes offered by our sponsors and partners as recognition of the role of creativity in success.

The interested candidates are kindly invited to submit the application to the CYEL Awards using the form located on the CYEL website before April 30th, 2015.

This competition would not have been possible without the support of prestigious sponsors and partners who trust JCI* (the world’s largest network of young leaders and entrepreneurs), and believe in the potential of young entrepreneurs in Luxembourg.

About JCI (Junior Chamber International)

JCI (Junior Chamber International) is a worldwide NGO and federation of young leaders and entrepreneurs with about 180.000 active members and more than a million JCI Senators, senior members as well as past members who take part in projects, meetings, trainings as well as other common activities. JCI operates in more than 100 countries and territories around the globe. Members of JCI are young leaders and entrepreneurs who are between 18 and 40 years old and members of a local organization. They meet, learn and develop themselves together in order to create positive change. Our vision: To be the leading global network of young active citizens. Our mission: To provide development opportunities that empower young people to create positive change.

Website: http://www.jci.cc

About Jeune Chambre Economique du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg

Jeune Chambre Economique du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg is the national association affiliated to JCI. It is an A.S.B.L. founded on 1963. And the purpose of association is to contribute to the advancement of the global community by giving young people the opportunity to develop leadership skills, taking social responsibility, entrepreneurship and solidarity necessary to create positive change. Members of the Jeune Chambre Economique imagine and carry out projects to benefit their cities, in all areas: social, economic, cultural, community … Aged 18 to 40, they are responsible active citizens and they are aware of the difficulty of living in peace and justice.

To contact the association: use the contact page on http://www.jci.lu

The press release published here reflects only the opinion of the author: JCI Luxembourg

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