
An International academic conference on big data management system is looking to bring together researchers, practitioners, system administrators, system programmers, and others interested in sharing and presenting their perspectives on the effective management of Big Data systems.

The conference’s Chair Prof. Karsten Schwan directs the Center for Experimental Research in Computer Systems (CERCS) at Georgia Tech. His group conducts experimental research targeting high performance, real-time, and ubiquitous applications: http://www.cc.


The program committee includes researchers and industry leaders in big data from organizations like Facebook, Google, Yahoo, Cloudera, Intel, CrowdChat and many more.

The conference includes the hot Silicon Valley leaders including our own startup CrowdChat which is pioneering big data technology for enabling engaging group conversations.  CrowdChat’s cofounder Dani Ryan is the publicity chair for the conference so expect to see some crowd chats soon.

This conference is bringing together academia and industry.  A great opportunity to connect along big megatrends and the folks working on building new innovation.

The Deadline for submission is March 31st

Two types of contributions are solicited on all aspects of Big Data management: (1) short papers and (2) panel presentations. Short papers should be no more than 6 pages, including the abstract, and will appear in the ICAC ’14 conference proceedings by ACM

For more information please visit https://www.usenix.org/



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