The developers of FrostWire BitTorrent clients are currently working on an integration of crypto currency Bitcoin into their software. In the future, users will get the opportunity to leave an anonymous donation by uploader of a file.
The trend of Bitcoin payments with the peer-to-peer network has been around for some time. Several other BitTorrent developers are exploring options to include bitcoin payments in their client software. Even the most well-known portal for torrents, The Pirate Bay allows such donations to the seed originator of a file.
In 2011, FrostWire programmers have thoroughly revised the software to make a BitTorrent client and in the process the support for the FrostWire (formerly Gnutella) network was abandoned. Now, the developers of FrostWire P2P clients want to also implement the software.
“The idea is to let users enter an optional Bitcoin address and suggested donation amount along with the torrent they’re about to create on FrostWire,” FrostWire‘s Angel Leon told TorrentFreak in an interview.
“When FrostWire encounters a .torrent with the Bitcoin address field set, FrostWire will be able to display a Bitcoin icon on the transfer row in the GUI. When clicked, FrostWire could try to open a Bitcoin client, or take the user to a website which will enable them to copy the address, or scan a QR code,” added Leon.
To make it easier to send a donation, FrostWire will soon provide all the functions of a full Bitcoin wallets. Thus, the placement of an anonymous referral would be done with a few clicks. FrostWire programmers hope to make the BitTorrent system interesting for creative people via comprehensive integration of Bitcoin. FrostWire team expects other customers will adopt the idea and set a new standard that extends the BitTorrent protocol.
“Our implementation plan includes adding a simplified Bitcoin wallet to FrostWire, users can send Bitcoins to their FrostWire Bitcoin wallet which can then be used to support their favorite content creators,” Leon says.
Being able to take payments via BitTorrent clients could open up a great deal of use for content creators–however, in the current political climate afforded by industries that run on copyright of media, it could also spark a brand new controversy.
“FrostWire is carefully couching all of their language in the jargon of content creation and creators,” says Kyt Dotson, editor of DevOpsAngle at SiliconAngle. “This is because while peer-to-peer technology is well known in a multitude of tools from Bitcoin itself to delivery systems for video games, there’s a huge propaganda war going on right now by the copyright cartels against the technology and sites such as The Pirate Bay.”
Kyt adds, “This has led to the incorrect perception that peer-to-peer networks and torrents exist primarily as a tool for Internet piracy–and adding BTC transactions to BitTorrent will lead to further shrill rancor from groups such as the MPAA and RIAA that individuals can extract payment for copyright infringement. When really Bitcoin is perfect for peer-to-peer distribution by content creators themselves to totally toss aside groups such as the MPAA and RIAA and take easy donations while becoming their own distributor and publisher.”
TorrentFreak reported that FrostWire is seeking BEP proposal with other developers in the BitTorrent community forums. FrostWire will then submit an official proposal based on the BEP proposal feedback.
FrostWire recently released 5.6.9 version of client software that provides fast clouds search results, significant memory optimizations on the search result analysis and display. This newest application works similarly as the P2P on desktops and users can also distribute pictures, videos, applications, documents, music and ringtones.