Update #17
Release for Friday, August 2, 2013/Time: 7:00 AM
Incident Statics
Acres Burned: 17,791 Structures Threatened: 3
Containment: 45% Structures Damaged: 0
Fire Start Date: July 22, 2013 Injuries: 2
Fire Cause: Lightning Total Personnel: 1941
Cost to date: $14.9 million
The Fire is located within the Sierra National Forest in Fresno County and is approximately seven miles North of Big Creek. It is currently burning off Stump Springs Road, North of AspenSprings. The South Central Sierra Interagency Incident Management Team is in command of the Aspen Fire.
Last night, the weather was cooler with low temperatures in the mid 40’s. The cooler weather caused smoke to settle into the canyons, reducing visibility.
Recreation and businesses remain open in the Shaver Lake, Huntington Lake, Lake Thomas Edison, Florence Lake and the Mono Hot Springs areas.
Fire Update
Firefighter and public safety remains the highest priority. Fire crews are being sensitive to environmental and cultural resources in and around the fire area.
Last nights infrared image showed the direct line construction in the northwest, near Mammoth Pools is holding. The fire growth continued in the northeast and southeast areas of the fireperimeter. Fire crews continued to make good progress with indirect attack operations, but access and fire behavior are still a major safety concern for fire crews. Air and ground resources continue to construct and reinforce indirect line around the fires perimeter. Helicopters dipped for water out of Huntington Lake this morning.
Due to the extremely steep, rugged and inaccessible terrain, fire crews are using a tactic called indirect attack which creates control lines away from the fires active edge. Air resources, including several helicopters and air tankers are being utilized along the fire-line to slow the forward progress of the fire and to cool down hot spots. As the situation changes and firefighters can safely gain access to the fire, a more direct attack will be implemented.
Smoke from the Aspen Fire continues to impact air quality in local communities. Crews will utilize firing operations over the next three days to assist with enforcing containment lines. Firing operations are actions taken to remove unburned fuels between the active fire line and the contingency lines which fire crews have been creating over the past several days. The operation will put additional smoke into the atmosphere.
An air quality monitoring device has been installed at the Huntington Lake Volunteer Fire Station. The device will provide smoke data from the Aspen Fire to the air resource advisor and the area air pollution control districts.
Individuals sensitive to smoke are advised to remain indoors and keep windows closed to minimize exposure to smoke. For more information regarding smoke visit:
Road and Trail Closures
Stump Springs Road is closed to all traffic due to fire suppression activity. Minarets Road (4S81) from Fish Creek to Jackass Rock Organization Campground, Grizzly at Beasore Road to Minarets Road are closed to the public. Residents within the road closure are allowed into the area with valid identification.
Per the U.S. Forest Service Closure Order Number 15-13-09, all trails within the Kaiser Wilderness are closed.
Campground closures within the Sierra National Forest are as follows:
Sample Meadow West Kaiser
Jackass Rock Organization Lower Chiquito
Little Jackass Soda Springs
Placer Sweet Water
China Bar Rock Creek
Mammoth Pool Wagners Mammoth Pool Resort
Fish Creek
The following campgrounds are closed to house firefighters for suppression efforts:
Midge Creek, Badger Flat and Rancheria.
Cooperating agencies include
The U.S. Forest Service, National Parks Service, U.S. Department of Defense, National Weather Service, California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services, Fresno County Sheriff, Madera County Sheriff, California Highway Patrol, California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, Southern California Edison, PG&E, California Conservation Corp.
For information, please contact Aspen Fire Information line at (559) 893-7018. Updated information can also be obtained at or by following the Sierra National Forest Twitter Account:@sierra_nf
- Smoke source: ASPEN FIRE
- Impacted area now includes Mammoth Lakes AND southern Mono Counties
- Re-issuance of 7/29/2013 Health Advisory
Based on air pollution levels at 4:00 PM on August 02, 2013 a Stage 2 Air Pollution Health Advisory has been issued for the community of Mammoth Lakes and Southern Mono County. Due to extreme particulate pollution levels, people are encouraged to stay indoors and to avoid strenuous outdoor activities in the dust-impacted area. Children, the elderly, people with heart or lung problems, or people with current illnesses such as the flu, may be especially sensitive and are advised to stay indoors and avoid strenuous outdoor activities in the impacted areas. If you have any questions please call the Great Basin Air Pollution Control District office in Bishop at 760-872-8211.
Health advisories on the web
Mammoth Particulate Values:
157 Short Street u Bishop, California 93514 u (760) 872-8211 u fax (760) 872-6109