
More money than ever will pay to fill potholes and repave highways thanks to last year’s PST hike, the NDP says.

In rolling out its five-year infrastructure plan on Wednesday, the Selinger government said $1.5 billion in PST revenue will be added to the kitty, for a total of $5.5 billion to be spent by 2019.

Infrastructure and Transportation Minister Steve Ashton said the building blueprint wouldn’t be what it is without last year’s one-point increase of the PST to eight per cent: “The next five years will have a significant increase over the last five years and the difference is the one cent on the dollar.”

Much of what the province will fix has already been announced — improving Highway 75, for example. The plan was announced one day before Finance Minister Jennifer Howard tables the 2014 budget.

via PST cash boosts road repairs to $5.5B – Winnipeg Free Press.

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