

Police work wasn’t always glamorous. They warned her about that at the academy, but it never deterred Jane.

She stared at the heap of file boxes stacked around her. Newspaper clippings, evidence reports, reams of witness statements…the sheer volume of paper was a little overwhelming. She’d been pouring through the boxes for hours. Frost left her alone in the dank basement over an hour ago, muttering something about him actually having a life.

Jane sighed heavily as she drug another box off the stack, it’s bottom smacking the concrete floor with a thud as it landed next to her.

She licked her thumb and started leafing through more copies of old search warrants, squinting in the poor light of the records room. Her eyes flicked to the empty coffee cup to her left. With no steady stream of caffeine into her bloodstream, the quiet isolation in the file storage area was quickly lulling her to sleep.

Her eyelids bobbed once, then twice before she shook her head to try to snap out of it. She glanced around the empty room and frowned. A yawn sneaked up on her…then another. She slammed the folder shut on her lap and closed her eyes for a brief moment.

She needed a distraction.

She yanked out her phone and pulled up the familiar name.

Maura was always good for a distraction, Jane thought as she rested the back of her head onto the cold, concrete wall behind her. The medical examiner had been entering her thoughts quite a bit lately, as a matter of fact. She typed out the message and sent it on it’s way.

J: What are you doing?

Maura let out a long breath, wiping at the perspiration on her face with the towel around her neck. Metal clanged as she opened her locker, almost masking the sound of her phone buzzing with the incoming text. A delicate finger slid across the screen, opening the message so she could read it as she peeled off layers of damp lycra clothing. She quickly typed back a response.

M: Taking off my clothes. I’m soaking wet.

Jane snorted lightly as she typed her reply.

J: All hot ‘n bothered are you, Doc?

She immediately regretted sending the message. What if Maura thought she was flirting?

M: Definitely hot. Maybe a little bothered…

Jane looked at the phone, her brow creased slightly at the cryptic response. Before she had a chance to type a response, her phone chimed with another message.

M: I’ve been thinking of you.

A sharp intake of breath later, Jane fired off a rapid response, not taking the time to think before she pushed the ‘send’ key.

J: Was that with or without your clothes on?

Maura tilted her head quizzically. It was hard enough to read Jane’s sarcasm in person, let alone over a text message.

M: Does it really matter?

Jane shook her head slightly and held the phone at arms length. Was Maura flirting now?

J: I guess not. What were you thinking about?

Her phone buzzed with a reply almost immediately.

M: I was thinking about your hands.

Jane’s eyes widened as she read the message. Then they almost bulged out of her head as she read the next message that quickly followed.

M: More specifically, I was thinking about your fingers.

Jane swallowed hard as she looked at her phone, the display still bright and glaring in the dingy basement lighting.

Maura’s been thinking about my fingers. Most likely while she’s one floor away from me…potentially naked.

Endless possibilities were racing around in Jane’s brain, bouncing so fast that she couldn’t think of anything coherent to type back to the doctor. Her phone chimed with another message.

M: …and your mouth. I’ve been thinking about that a lot, too.

Jesus. All thoughts of paperwork, murder and everything unrelated to breathing quickly vacated Jane’s brain. She sat motionless, heartbeat hammering in her chest as a flush of warmth settled low between her legs. She flexed her shoulders and tried to remain composed (she’s not sure why, it wasn’t like anyone else was down here to see her get flustered). She typed back a quick response.

J: Good things or bad things?

She held her breath as she waited for the reply.

M: More like dirty things.

Fuck. Jane stopped breathing altogether.
Her eyes slammed closed. Was this really happening?
Her phone chimed again and her eyes flew open as she eagerly read the next message.

M: Very dirty things involving your tongue.

Holy fuck. Jane wiped at the sweat beads that had rapidly formed on her forehead. The tingling sensation between her thighs intensified.

J: Are you just going to think about these dirty things with my fingers and tongue, or are you going do something about it?

Jane’s chest was tight, heightened awareness flooded her entire body as she eagerly waited for the doctor’s response.

M: Oh, I fully intend to do something about it. Just thinking about it has been driving me crazy.

Jane wiped her mouth with the back of her hand as she tried to calm herself down enough to type back a reply. Her fingers trembled above the screen as she quickly tried to recall every room in the building with lockable doors and no cameras.

J: Okay. When and where.

She stared at the phone, waiting for directions from Maura.

M: Now, right where you are. We can do this over the phone.

A rush of air escaped her lungs as all sense of reason quickly left Jane’s mind.

Her hand moved of it’s own volition as it snaked it’s way under the waistband of her pants. She scrunched further down the wall as her legs opened, spreading wider. It wasn’t until her fingertips pushed past the thin elastic band of her underwear that she even thought to take one last frantic look around the room to make sure she was still alone.

Her phone chimed again just as she hit dampness.

M: I put a little something for you in your jacket pocket when you weren’t looking earlier today to help you along.

A jolt of excitement ran up Jane’s spine, igniting every nerve ending in its wake. She rolled her lip between her teeth to stop the moan from sliding out from her throat.

Mother fu…is it a sexy picture? A provocative note? Please let it be a picture…please let it be a picture, the thought ran on a constant loop as Jane dropped the phone on floor and furiously dug through her jacket pockets with her free hand while her other hand’s pace picked up in anticipation of the treasure she was about to uncover.

Jane’s eyes nervously scanned the room as she slipped the flat object out of her jacket.

Her fingers came to a halt. Jane cocked her head to the side as she held up the small foil package.

It was a disinfectant wipe. What the hell?

J: And how is this supposed to help me along? I was almost there.

She scooted back up and turned the packet around in her hands, perplexed as to why the doctor would think this was necessary.

M: I know you have a propensity for licking your fingers as you thumb through case files. Those older files are filled with copious amounts of bacteria and the older photocopies contain higher levels of toxic ink.

Jane swallowed uncomfortably as she read the message. Her eyes darted down to her rumpled lap. Shit.

She quickly worked to stuff her shirt back into her pants where it had worked loose and straightened her belt.
She ran a hand through her hair roughly, tugging at the roots as she read the next message.

M: You should wipe your fingers frequently so you don’t ingest anything harmful.

Son of a bitch. She huffed in frustration, mad at herself. Jane flipped a mass of black curls over her shoulder as she typed back a response.

J: Okay. Thanks. That was very thoughtful.

She exhaled and started to relax, glad she hadn’t typed anything lewd earlier.

Maura slid the soft cotton t-shirt over her head and tugged it down over still damp skin. She glanced at her phone, her eyes squinting deep in thought. Her head tilted slightly as she typed out her next message.

M: Jane, what did you mean by ‘I was almost there?’

The detective’s eyebrows shot up towards the ceiling as she read the words. Panic settled in the pit of her stomach..

J: Uh, just that I am almost done here. Ready to call it a night.

Maura frowned at the empty body wash container in her hand before she tossed it into the trash. It wasn’t like her to forget to replenish her supplies. She’d have to get cleaned up once she got home. She picked up her phone and read Jane’s text.

M: Oh, good. Would you like to come home with me? I need to get a shower, then drinks?

Jane groaned, her grip tightening on the phone as her eyes slammed shut once again. Visions of Maura…soapy and wet, hands roaming over silky smooth skin flashed behind Jane’s eyes.

Her hand pushed underneath her belt once again.

J: Just give me 10 min and I’ll be done.

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