
By Evan Smith

Voters in Shoreline, Lake Forest Park and around Washington state can read personal voters’ guides for the August 2 primary election online.

Voters can get the online voter guides now, rather than wait for the voters’ pamphlets to arrive late in the week. The King County elections office sends the pamphlets by bulk mail to all residential addresses a day before ballots go to registered voters by a faster form of mail Thursday, July 14.

While the mailed pamphlets contain information on every contest in dozens of ZIP codes, online guides are individualized for each voter. So instead of looking at information for several legislative districts and ballot measures from the city of Seattle, a voter in Shoreline would find material only about the 32nd Legislative District and other items on his or her ballot.

Voters can find this information by logging in here, and entering name and date of birth.

Next, the voter needs to click on “Voters’ Guide.”

Then, by clicking on “Federal Candidates,” the voter will find material about the U.S. Senate candidates and Congressional District candidates. By clicking on “Statewide Candidates,” the voter will find information about candidates for governor and eight other statewide offices, by clicking on “Legislative Candidates," the voter will find information on candidates for positions in the Legislative District and by clicking on “Judicial candidates,” the voter will find material on one contested State Supreme Court contest and one King County Superior Court election.

Evan Smith can be reached at schsmith@frontier.com.

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