
The Ballinger Neighborhood Association (BALNA) will hold a potluck and meeting on Monday, April 4, from 7-9pm at the North City Water District meeting room, 1519 NE 177th, Shoreline 98155.

Guest speakers:

Eric Friedli, Director of Parks, Recreation, and Cultural Services

Maureen Colaizzi, Park Project Coordinator

Christine Southwick, PRCS/Tree Board

What do you want your parks, recreation, and cultur­al services system to look like in the future? And what are you willing to support? The City wants to hear from you! Come to our BALNA meeting on Monday to share your ideas with City staff and a member of the Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services (PRCS)/Tree Board.

City staff will provide an update on the upcoming King Conservation District (KCD) Urban Forest Health Management Program project that will assess the urban forest at Brugger’s Bog and Ballinger Open Space, create a management plan, develop a stewardship plan that can help guide volunteer efforts to help maintain the natural resources within these parks.

City Council will review the proposed agreement between KCD and the City on Monday, April 4. A link to the staff report and attached agreement and scope of work can be found on the City Council Live and Video Council Meetings webpage under the agenda for Monday, April 4, 2016.

This is also a BALNA potluck meeting, with Board members bringing food to share with attendees. So arrive a little before 7:00 to grab a bite before we start our speaker presentation at 7:15pm. Don't miss this great opportunity to meet some fellow Ballinger area neighbors and learn how you can influence Shoreline's new 20-year plan for Parks, Recreation and Open Spaces Plan (PROS).

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