By Robin Lombard, Co-Chair 145th Street Station Citizens' Committee
I attended the Planning Commission Meeting/Public Hearing on the 145th DEIS (Draft Environmental Impact Statement) on Feb 5. Thanks to everyone who came and to those who spoke! A link to the audio of the meeting is here. Here are my highlights:
Approximately 90 people attended.
Seven people spoke during the general comment period and 20 spoke during the comment period specifically for the 145th DEIS and subarea plan. About seven people at the end of the list did not get to speak (including me).
Many people spoke about the need to slow down the pace of decision-making on the station area plans.
Many people mentioned impacts such as traffic and questioned the size of the rezone.
Many people shared their personal story about what they love about their neighborhood now, and what aspects of the plan they would like to change.
At 9pm the Planning Commission voted to extend the comment period for the DEIS to Feb 19, to continue the public hearing in two weeks (Feb 19), and not to decide on a recommendation until all citizens have spoken at the Feb 19 meeting. Those who did not get a chance to speak at this meeting will have a chance Feb 19. Anyone who could not make last night’s meeting (or who wants to speak again) will also have a chance to speak.
Many neighbors stayed at the end of the meeting to talk. It was great to see so many people meeting others they had previously only heard about online.
The Planning Commission clearly listened to testimony in deciding on a delay of the comment period. This means that anyone who did not have time to send a letter still has time to send one to them at and also cc the City Council, since they are "the deciders." That email address is .
Other useful links: Meeting packet from Feb 5 (includes agenda, letters and hand-written comments from January)
There are several upcoming meetings to note:
February 19 – Planning Commission Meeting (Shoreline City Hall, 7 pm). Agenda includes finishing the Public Hearing and then discussion by the commissioners of the 145th DEIS and subarea plan. This may be the last opportunity for citizens to provide input to the Planning Commission.
February 23 - City Council Meeting (Shoreline City Hall, 6:30 pm). Agenda includes final deliberation and decision on the 185th subarea zoning.
March 2 - 6:30pm City Council Meeting - Council to select 145th Street preferred alternative for FEIS
Note: The Shoreline City Council will make their final decision on the preferred alternative to be studied in the 145th Street Station Subarea Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) on March 2, 2015.
Previously, this item had been scheduled for February 23. However, the Planning Commission has decided to take more time before making their recommendation, thus delaying the Council's decision-making process. The meeting on February 23 is still scheduled to begin at 6:30pm.