
Update for week of 11/10/2014

From Debbie Tarry, Shoreline City Manager

November 10 Council Meeting (No Dinner Meeting)

Regular Meeting

·         Proclamation of Veteran’s Day: Shoreline Veterans Association President Dwight Stevens, and members Bob Grasmick and Gerry Shogren accepted the proclamation.

·         Adoption of Resolution No. 366 Authorizing an Interfund Loan: As part of the purchase of Brugger’s Bog the City decided that the Surface Water Maintenance Fund should make the debt service payments in the first several years. This creates an interfund loan between the Surface Water Fund and the General Fund. Resolution No. 366 authorizes a five year loan between the two funds.

·         Interlocal Agreement with Shoreline School District for Einstein Safe Route to Schools Project: The Safe Routes to School Grant includes two elements that require the interlocal agreement with the school district. Those two elements are requirements to meet the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and development of pedestrian/bicycle education and safety information.

·         2015 Budget Public Hearing & Council Deliberations: The public hearing focused on revenue sources. Following the Public Hearing Council deliberated on proposed amendments to the 2015 Proposed Budget.

·         Selection of the three Zoning Scenarios for Analysis in the Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the 145th Street Station Subarea Plan: The City Council selected the Compact Community and Connecting Corridors scenarios to be studied in the DEIS process. The Council did modify the Connecting Corridors scenario by changing the MUR-85 (Mixed Use Residential with 85’ limit) to MUR-65. The DEIS will also include an evaluation of the “No Action” scenario to determine the changes from current zoning to the zoning alternatives in the Compact Community and Connecting Corridor scenarios. The No Action scenario does not mean that there will be no change.

·         Ordinance No. 694, Corrections to the Shoreline Municipal Code for Property Tax Exemption: Analysis of the PTE Program revealed that the City’s stated duration in SMC 3.27.030(B) of five (5) years was not expressly provided for by RCW 84.14, the statute authorizing the PTE Program. Therefore an amendment and policy changes are needed.

Response from Snohomish County

On October 7, PCD Director Rachael Markle, Intergovernmental Relations Manager Scott MacColl, and I met with Snohomish County Planning staff to discuss my notice to Snohomish County of the City’s intent to negotiate an interlocal annexation agreement for the Point Wells area. Snohomish County indicated that they would provide sample Interlocal agreements and the next steps in the process by the end of October. On Friday, October 31, I received some sample interlocals, although the e-mail stated that the examples were from various dates and some may not conform to current models. The e-mail went on to say “… that based on county staff research, before negotiating an annexation ILA with Snohomish County, the City of Shoreline should pursue an amendment to the Snohomish County Countywide Planning Policies (CPP) to include a Shoreline Municipal Urban Growth Area (MUGA). If the Snohomish County Council adopts a Shoreline MUGA in the Snohomish County CPPs, then the Snohomish County Comprehensive Plan could be amended to include a Shoreline MUGA, and staff could negotiate a master annexation ILA for Shoreline to annex within the Shoreline MUGA.”

I have requested that County staff provide the CPPs that were used to come to the conclusion for the process that they are requiring. I have also contacted Cynthia Pruitt, at Snohomish County Tomorrow to seek her guidance/understanding on the process. We will be setting a face-to-face meeting with Ms. Pruitt in the next couple of weeks.

Right-of-Way Tree List Meeting Follow-Up

On Tuesday, November 4, approximately 20 people, including City staff, Park/Tree Board members, and residents, participated in our right-of-way tree list meeting. There was good positive discussion that evening.

12th Ave NE Parking Meeting Follow-Up

On Thursday, November 6, Neighborhoods Coordinator Nora Smith, Associate Planner Brian Lee, Captain Mark Konoske of the Shoreline Police, and Planning Manager Paul Cohen met with three neighbors who live on 12th Ave NE across from and adjacent to the new Polaris apartments. Staff first acknowledged that the apartments are a big change to the neighborhood. The residents asked about the history of zoning for North City, the Station Area land use plans for their street, the development review of the building, and the parking and garbage problems. They are working with Traffic Engineer Kendra Dedinsky in Public Works to solve the on street parking demarcations to avoid blocking drive ways, garbage cans, and double parking. Police said they will start ticketing illegally parked cars. Economic Development Manager Dan Eernissee will be contacting the owners and property managers to encourage them to work cooperatively with the neighbors. We acknowledged that the parking requirements do not also require that parking be included with the rent. (We think in the meantime that any parking tickets will exceed the $50 monthly parking rent and may be an economic incentive.)

Calendar Items

·         11/17  9:00am Committee of Elected Officials – McConnell, Roberts – City Hall

·         11/19  7:30pm Specialized Recreation “Wizard of Oz”–Shoreline CC Theater

·         11/22  9:00am Holiday Craft Market – Spartan

This and That

·         Our Police Community Service Officer Dahlia Corona has been facilitating for a community outreach class for Hispanic residents. There are 30 participants. Classes are on Thursdays at City Hall in Room 302 from 6:30 to 8:15 p.m. The final class will be November 20.

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