
Your Life A Masterpiece was brought to you by Healthy Lifestyles Living

I encourage you to make your life a masterpiece.

At any moment you can begin to create magic.

At any instant you can do something different from what you have done.

Deep within you is something magical waiting for you to find and bring it to the forefront of your life.

You are the masterpiece of your own life. You are the Michelangelo of your own life. The David you are sculpturing is you.

~Dr. Joe Vitale

Success in life is all about creating your unique masterpiece.

It’s never to late and wherever you may me the possibilities are endless. Look at the story of J.K. Rowling, the British novelist, best known as the author of the Harry Potter books, before her first book was published her life had been full of turmoil and difficulty. Her masterpiece turned it all around,

Your masterpiece could be a work of art, a book, a business, an idea, a web site, anything that is unique, that is your brilliance demonstrated brought from inside of you to the outside world.

So no matter where you happen to be in how difficult your current circumstances may be, it is never too late to create your masterpiece.

I turned 50 not that long ago and unlike many I didn’t have the attitude that my best and most productive years were behind me. I certainly didn’t see myself as being over the hill. In fact I saw life as one fantastic opportunity and I grabbed it with both hands.

To me this blog is part of my masterpiece. Its something I’ve created with the intention of making the difference. As it develops I get more excited. It is a long process but one day I’ll be able to sit back and say, that was worth it. I LOVE IT! It embodies everything I am doing to realize my fullest potential.

Do you feel that your masterpiece is inside of you. Do wish you could bring it out?

Well just do it. Get started! Whatever you focus on, you’ll create.

Here is the one question you need to reflect on:

How would you spend today if it were the one day by which your entire life would be judged? Find the answer to this and potentially your masterpiece will come to your mind.

My life is lived day by day. I know my number one goal and that every day I have to work towards it. Daily I go all out to do everything in my power to bring its attainment one step closer. I am like the artist painting his canvas. One day my masterpiece will be completed. Make sure your masterpiece isn’t left inside of you any longer.

Reveal it to yourself and then the world.

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