
Our eyes truly bear witness to the workings and conditions of every organ in the body.

Your iris (the coloured part of the eye) is as unique as you are, and is considered to be an accurate confirmation of your inner workings.  Your unique body has recorded a “Map on the body, by the body about the body.” There are no two Iris’s alike, as each Iris is as individual as a fingerprint.

Your iris is the most complex external structure of your human anatomy.

It has a reflex connection to every organ and tissue of the body via the nervous system.  Through the optic nerve visual information is sent to the brain, and at the same time information about the inner functions of your organs and tissues is sent back to the eyes.

The idea that the eyes are a mirror to the body is an ancient one: The Greek physician Hippocrates was known to examine patients’ eyes for signs of illness. It wasn’t until 1670, however, that the first actual medical reference to iridology as a diagnostic tool appeared in German physician Phillipus Meyens’ book Chiromatica Medica

The basis of iridology (reading the iris, by mapping), is a holistic concept well accepted in other fields of alternative medicine, namely that when examined correctly, each part of the body contains information about other parts of the body, including the iris. The body communicates to the brain via neurotransmitters, which are messengers, therefore allowing organ weakness and dysfunction to be detected. This is a painless and non intrusive procedure, which can not only shed light on, chronic and hard to diagnose cases, but it can also determine future trends of one’s health.

An iridologist can determine the inherent structure and working capacity of organs, tissues and nerve supply, and iridology has been proven to be an invaluable screening & diagnostic tool. There is no doubt that medically, disease is just as baffling to today as it was in the mid 1900’s.  Although we have modern diagnostic equipment available it can sometimes still be hard to get a correct diagnosis.  Modern society is developing “super” diseases with many symptoms that we have never incurred before. Much of this has to do with current lifestyle patterns and our urge to mask and obtain the “quick fix,” instead of looking at more chronic underlying conditions, and repairing those.

Iridologists believe that changing patterns and markings in the iris can be used to reveal emerging conditions in every part of the body and to identify inherited weaknesses that may lead to physical and emotional disorders. Iridology is used as a  preventive practice and as part of the  holistic treatment. If a health problem is detected at an early stage, something can then be done to prevent it from becoming a full-blown disease.

A good example of this would be lymphatic slowness. (Lymphatics being the immune system) There is no other way available to tell if someone will have a problem with their lymphatics years down the track, however a professional iridology examination can reveal this tendency.

Iridology does not name diseases, but it can tell you what type of structure and constitution you have, where your weakness may be, what organs are not functioning well, why you may not be feeling well, or have low energy, and where the chronic problems you suffer from may be originating.  Iridologists evaluate colour and fibre structure variations to assess not only constitutional strength, but aspects of personality which can be influenced by subliminal emotional patterns.  The colour and patterning in your eye can be a reflection of genetic inheritance from three generations prior to you.  Whether you develop these dispositions will largely depend on your diet and lifestyle.

Iridology can be used to determine potential health problems at the earliest stage. This can enable you an opportunity to prevent illness and gain maximum wellness.

Iridology can be of great benefit for both adults and children.  It will outline constitutional strengths and weaknesses, vitamin and mineral deficiencies and it can shed some light on both behavioral problems and poor energy/responsiveness.  There are many conditions that an iridologist can help with. These are just a few,  Asthma, Allergies, Acne, Stress, Hormone imbalance, Arthritis, Digestive problems, ADHD and Lethargy, Irritable Bowel, Headaches, Anxiety and Stress Management.

At Traditional Herbal Remedies Iridology is integrated as part of your Consultation. We offer a wide range of therapies with your health in mind. Be pleasantly surprised and on your way to a vigorous, healthy life, and your maximum health potential.

Jennifer & David Webster

For more information contract Traditional Herbal Remedies, Engadine Ph: 9548-3287 www.traditionalherbs.com.au

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