
New FDA Regulations on Drug & Device Information and Pharmaceutical Tracking

The Food and Drug Administration has taken action to meet the demand for improved public safety and awareness when it comes to pharmaceuticals.

In order to meet public requests for product safety information, effectiveness, and off-label usage of products, the FDA recently released new regulations for pharmaceutical companies surrounding the availability of information concerning drugs and pharmaceutical devices. Beyond the basic warning labels we see today, the FDA is pushing the pharmaceutical industry further into releasing a broader spectrum of information.

That’s where package tracking and package tracking apps come in. Package tracking can be used in the pharmaceutical industry to implement greater safety controls and provide peace of mind to patients and consumers.

Counterfeit Medicines

Counterfeit medicines are a growing concern, but effective package tracking systems can help ensure that patients get the prescription they need.

If a product appears without going through the traced production and/or without the corresponding serial number, it can be investigated and withdrawn. This would ensure that each and every pharmacy/patient knows they are receiving the legitimate, regulated drug or device.

Manufacturing and Delivery

In order for drugs to be manufactured and dispersed safely, they need to be monitored. By implementing package tracking applications, all drugs and devices would receive their own catalogued serial number, which would allow them to be closely tracked at every stage of production.

No matter where the drug or device is, the proper authorities can keep a watchful eye on it.

Product Control And Recall

Finally, product recalls can be implemented faster and much more efficiently. By pairing products with a package tracking app, all products designated for recall can be easily found and collected due to the tracking apps’ ability to determine exactly where and when the recalled product will be. Meanwhile, the public can be notified as quickly as possible about the status of the recall at any stage.

Drugs and pharmaceutical devices are designed to keep us healthy. We can sleep a little sounder knowing that the prescription drugs we so often need to stay healthy were created and sold safely with all possible controls and monitoring.

The post The More You Know appeared first on Shiptrack.

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