
There was beer, there were young men surfing on a river, there were lederhosen, there were mighty beautiful buildings and there was beer. Munich is definitely a city worth making time for if you’re visiting Germany.

Last year I made not 1 but 3 Tatty Devine pieces to add to my collection! It started with a dinosaur necklace which anyone can make in their workshops and became a collection with a Speech Bubble and Name necklace too!

Whilst I love playing tourist, I also love living like a local which is what I did when I stayed with my cousin in the 14th arondissement of Paris. Exploring, eating crepes and hanging out with their friends – this was real Paris!

Just thinking about this amazing evening in paris makes my stomach leap! Not only did I get to support my friends band but got to watch and meet my favourite band from California, Awolnation. My backstage pass got me to their London gig the following night where I hung out with them backstage. Quite pinchworthily unreal!

Of all the burger establishments I’d eaten in this last year, Crystal Palace Market wins for experience, hospitality and overall cool hangout environment. Kristabel and I slowly made our way through the food and cocktail menu whilst blogging from this lovely new south London spot.

In between 12 hour days preparing a fashion show in a new shopping center, I got to explore Slovakias capital. I made a cute video of our adventure up to the castle and made the most of all the colourful graffiti!

It was an incredible experience to be involved with Extravadansas City Style fashion show at Bratislavas Central shopping center. I hung out with Celine, worked with the most incredible models and show team, boogied on stage at my own fashion show had a ball talking on FashionTV!


Welcome to 2014!

Wishing you all a fabulously shiny new year filled with colour and optimism! There’s no better time than to take a look back and be thankful for what you’ve achieved and experienced. I know I’ve been incredibly lucky this year and this little roundup has reminded me how fortunate I’ve been plus allows you to have a little looky at some of my fave posts from 2013. Click the links or images to find out more about my adventure!

This year was the year of trips for me (I went abroad 9 times!) and I do hope that continues this year! What has your year been about?


Barcelona was a joy to discover, from all those colourful mosaics to funky design shops and indie bars, take a look at my tourist guide of the city!

I love meeting up with my Norwegian friends Mariell and Jostein and not just because it usually involves burgers! We loved The Filling Station by the river in Kings Cross, the perfect location for crab burgers and a post dinner sunset stroll.

The absolutely highlight of 2014 without a doubt was my trip to Morocco. Boy was I the luckiest thing to be able to discover such an incredible amount of beautiful places including our incredible hotel, exquisite food and become friends with the best people, especially my new bestie Rachel, not to mention get my ass outa Europe for the first time!

One of the highlights of my trip to Morocco was the Majorelle Gardens. A paradise of colour, it was like a peaceful playground for any bold, bright lovers! Note to self: need to go back.

Entering Niki Beach is like briefly swanning into what you imagine paradise to be, if not paradise then certainly a film (SATC2 BTW). A never ending fresh sushi lunch like I’ve never seen or tasted and a perfectly blue pool to swim away the Moroccan heat.

It didn’t take much convincing for me to book my trip to Marseille in the summer. Not only would it be fanatically hot but I’d be visiting the capital of culture with my very own tour guide friend! Highlights had to be sipping rose on the beach at sunset – absolument parfait!

I met French Blogger Celine in Munich, invited her along to Bratislava and then was an excellent host in Marseille. I’ve been very lucky to meet this lovely lady and travel around with her this year!

When Celine invited me to come and stay at her family home in the beautiful town of Martigues, I never thought it would be so picture perfect. Colourful boats, romantic waterways and dinner by the docks. Can I just live here forever please?!

My second trip to Paris was where I finally found that whole ‘romance’ thing they talk about. From perfect eggs Benedict on the street to discovering the most incredible eclair everrrrr via hunting down famous French pharmacy products, this was Paris as I’d never seen it before!

My travel buddy Kristabel and I concluded that we didn’t have nearly enough time to explore this vibrant, arty city. We wanted more random night time concerts in the park, more cool designy shops and more posh meatball restaurants! Stockholm, we’re coming back.

Apart from the incredible but predictable meatballs, the Urban Deli in Stockholm was my best meal. So fresh, so Scandi-cool, so perfect for indecisive people like me who want to try everything.

It’s useful having a friend who goes to an Oxbridge university, for serving as a personal insiders’ tour guide! Dina smuggled Carrie and I into stunning Oxford University collages where we gasped at the Harry Potter like lives the students must live and then stuffed ourselves with burgers. Obvs.

I have the fondest memories of this French speaking Swiss town in the basin of dramatic cliffs where my cousin lived this autumn. Jaw-dropping walks were followed by well earned hot chocolates and fondues

Where would I be without this gaggle of girlies (Carrie, Kristabel, Dunya and Olivia) spewing stupid/hilarious quotes and anecdotes into our Facebook thread or joining together to take photos every few weeks? I’d be in a way less shiny place that’s for sure! ;)

I finished the ‘year of trips’ off with a Christmassy twist by visiting the beautiful Somerset city of Bath. Fashion, coffee, markets and charm made this one day tour delightful.

Wishing you all a brilliant 2014! Thank you so very much for reading this year – here’s to more Shiny Thoughts!


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The post A Shiny 2013! appeared first on Shiny Thoughts.

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