

I’ve been blogging since 2008. One of my first posts was about an incident where my family was coming home for spending time at a local park with our dog, Espn (pronounced Es-pin). He was just a puppy at the time.

On our way home he was sitting on my lap in the front seat. I noticed a tick crawling over him. Then another and another. He was covered in ticks! He was also on my lap which means the ticks were on me too and both of my kids were in the car with us. I was worried about the ticks getting on them too.

Needless to say I freaked out.

I grew up with dogs and they would get a tick (single tick) and usually by the time it was discovered it had already embedded it’s self into the skin and was engorged with blood. My mom and sister were pros at removing ticks. Not me. I would run away when I saw one. They gross me out. Now our puppy was covered with them and it was up to me and my husband to get rid of them before they could embed themselves. THANKFULLY we were able to remove all the ticks.

Since that day I have been very weary of ticks. We have five cats and the thought of our dog bringing them into our home and having them find their way to our cats freak me out.

We have seen ticks on our dog a few times over the years. Once my husband woke up with a tick on his chest – under his nightshirt which was under the blankets. Ewwww!!!!! Thankfully it didn’t bite him and it tested negative for Lyme’s Disease (we had to taken to the local college for testing which our town recommends).

My stepmother suffers from Lyme’s Disease. In fact she has a more aggressive form of it that mimics Parkinson’s Disease. Shes on about 60+ pills and supplements daily to deal with it. It’s been a nightmare of an experience for her and my father.

For more information about ticks visit TickEncounter.org.

Thankfully Espn has never had a flea, but that is a constant worry of mine. Having a house full of cats and a dog would be a flea’s paradise. I’ve experienced flea infestations growing up and its a nightmare. I hope to never experience it again.

Fleas and Ticks, and the diseases they carry, are the reasons why I make sure our dog is protected.

Did you know that what you find on your dog is only a small percentage of what could be lurking in your home? Fleas especially can live in the grass and soil. They like small crevices and can live in tiny floor cracks as well as carpets, rugs and bedding. They multiply like crazy too.

Fleas can also transmit tapeworm. Gross!!!

I was sent to review with our dog a free sample of PetArmor® Plus IGR for Dogs Flea and Tick Topical. It helps to kills adult fleas, flea eggs, ticks and even chewing lice. Although I am also being compensated for my participation the opinions expressed are my own and not influenced in any way.

PetArmor Plus IGR contains Fipronil which is the #1 veterinarian-recommended active ingredient used in FRONTLINE® brand products*.  It also contains something called Novaluron which is an Insect Growth Regulator (IGR) that kills flea eggs and stops the reinfestation cycle.

Application is simple.

Remove the product from the package.

Hold the tube with notched end pointing up and away from the face and body. Use scissors to cut off the narrow end at the notches along the line.

Invert tube over dog and use open end to part dog’s hair.

Squeeze tube firmly to apply all of the solution from the back of the neck to a point midway between the neck and tail.

You should apply this product monthly to ensure that your pet is always protected.

This product is not recommended for cats. PetArmor has a cat version of this product.

PetArmor Plus IGR should only be used on dogs 8 weeks and older.

There are different packages available for different size dogs. Make sure to pick up the correct one based on your dog’s weight. Each package has three tubes, enough to protect your dog for 3 months (one tube every 30 days).

6.5 to 22 lbs.

23 to 44 lbs.

45 to 88 lbs.

89 to 132 lbs.

You cannot alter the dosing or split it up between two dogs. One package per dog and you must use the entire tube.

We used PetArmor Plus IGR on our dog Espn. Application was quick and easy (even for our wiggly dog who didn’t want to stand still). I can’t tell you if it’s working as far as ticks and fleas are concerned since we haven’t seen any ticks yet this year and Espn has never had fleas (thankfully). It does give me peace of mind knowing that he’s protected for the next 30 days.

You can find PetArmor at Walmart and online at Walmart.com.

For more information about PetArmor you can visit the official website. You can also find the brand on Facebook and Twitter.


*PetArmor® Plus IGR is not manufactured or distributed by Merial. FRONTLINE® is a registered trademark of Merial. FRONTLINE® PLUS for dogs contains Fipronil 9.8% and Methoprene 8.8%. PetArmor Plus IGR for dogs contains Fipronil 9.8% and Novaluron 20%. FRONTLINE® brand products may contain additional active ingredients. Pricing comparison based on retail price survey of FRONTLINE® PLUS and MSRP of PetArmor Plus IGR. Data on file.

The post Product Review: PetArmor® Plus IGR for Dogs Flea and Tick Topical appeared first on She Scribes.

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