I am heading into New York City tomorrow morning for a special event hosted by Downy. If you are in the New York City area I hope you will come down and join me to learn about Downy’s new Sweet Dreams Collection as well as how you can get a better night’s sleep every night.
What is a good night’s sleep? I can’t remember the last time I had one. Sleeping better is one of the areas in my life I really need to work on along with exercising and eating better.
Do you wake up in the morning tired – as if you never slept at all? That is pretty much how I wake up every day.
There are a few reasons why I have a hard time getting a good night’s sleep. One of the big reasons is because my husband and I have to sleep on a sofa bed in the living room. Have you ever slept on a sofa bed night after night? It’s not exactly comfortable. We have to deal with that horrible bar poking us in our back and shoulders all night long.
Sleeping in the living room also means that we have don’t have privacy either. It’s not like we can really sleep in because the living room is open to the kitchen, dining room and hallway. On Saturday or Sunday morning if we want to sleep in we can’t because our kids are not exactly quiet when they are making breakfast.
How I feel a lot of the time from not getting enough sleep.
I stress out easily and worry a lot. A lot of times I’ll toss and turn in bed worrying about things. I have a hard time turning off my thoughts sometimes.
One of the big culprits to not being able to relax and unwind is technology. My husband is guilty of checking Facebook and Twitter at night from his cellphone. If he happens to get up in the middle of the night (for example if “nature calls”) he always has to check Facebook, Twitter and his e-mail before going back to sleep. I keep telling him NOT to keep his phone next to the bed because that way he can go back to bed quicker and not stay up another 15-30 minutes checking reading tweets. It’s not worth it. He can do it in the morning.
I always watch TV before going to sleep – from bed! I prop myself up in bed and watch TV, often falling asleep while watching TV only to be woken up by loud noises or music coming from the television.
I know we are not the only ones who have a hard time disconnecting from technology before going to bed. That is why Downy created a special campaign called Tuck In, Turn Off. They want to encourage consumers to get a good night’s sleep. It’s also the launch of their new Sweet Dreams Collection which is a new fabric care regimen that will help you to fall asleep at night.
Lack of quality sleep and not getting enough hours of sleep can compromise your over all health and disrupt your life. It’s hard to function properly when you can barely keep your eyes open. Students have a hard time concentrating on classwork when they are tired which can affect their ability to learn. Let’s not mention the safety issues too like falling asleep at the wheel.
The Sweet Dreams Collection is a line of products that will help bring you a better night’s sleep starting with your laundry. The collection includes Bounce Fabric Softener Sheets, Downy Infusion, Downy Unstoppables and Tide Plus a Touch of Down products. Each one is available in a special new fragrance known as Sweet Dreams.
Let the luscious scent of sweet lavender with gourmand vanilla and cedar undertones help soothe you to sleep.
I love aromatherapy. Lavender has been used for many years to help lull people to sleep.
When you wash your bedding, blankets, comforters and even your pajamas in the new Sweet Dreams Collection the relaxing scent with make you look forward to jumping into bed at night. The intoxicating scent will help to relax you and drift off to sleep.
The products will also make your bedding and pajamas soft and snuggly. Nothing feels better than a soft and snuggle bed!
In addition to the new product Downy would like consumers to take the Tuck In, Turn Off pledge. You can find the pledge at www.TuckInTurnOff.com.
The pledge asks you to…
To unplug earlier with all of my might
And sleep eight blissful hours each night.
To unwind for 30 minutes ‘fore I lay down my head,
With no texting, tweeting, or browsing in bed.
I’ll tuck in and turn off, no need to count sheep.
Cocooned in scent-y softness, I’ll fall fast asleep.
When you take the pledge you get FREE rewards from the Sweet Dreams Collection and the National Sleep Foundation. There are also some great tips and information about getting a better nights sleep found on the website too.
I am looking forward to attending the event tomorrow. I can’t wait to share with readers what I learn.
If you happen to be in the New York City area tomorrow (February 25, 2014) I hope you will join me at the Downy Tuck In, Turn Off event. Here are the details.
Where: Grand Central Terminal, Vanderbilt Hall
When: Tuesday, February 25th, 2014
Media Event Time: 10 a.m. ET – 12 p.m. ET
Vanderbilt Hall Display Timeframe: 9 a.m. – 6 p.m. ET
I’ll be tweeting from the event. If don’t already follow me on Twitter my Twitter handle is @She_Scribes. Look for the hashtag #TuckInTurnOff. I may also share photos on my Instagram page using the same hashtag too.
You can also follow the brands on their various social networking sites.
Downy on Facebook
Downy on Twitter
Tide Facebook
Tide Twitter
Bounce Facebook
Bounce Twitter
I will also be reviewing the products soon so be sure to check out my thoughts on the products and how well they help us to sleep at night. I’ll also be hosting a giveaway for the Sweet Dreams Collection. Keep an eye out for the post soon.
If you come to the even tomorrow make sure you say “hello” to me. I would love to meet some of my readers.
Check out this brief video about the products too.
*I have partnered with Downy to bring you this information. Although compensated the opinions expressed are entirely my own and not influenced in any way.
The post Tuck In, Turn Off with Downy – Attend a Special Event in NYC Feb. 25, 2014 #TuckInTurnOff appeared first on She Scribes.