

Did you know that today, November 3, 2013, is National Sandwich Day?

What is your favorite sandwich? I personally have a few. One of my most favorites is a simple PB&J. I also love ham and Swiss with mustard and something our deli across the street makes called a Midtown (roast beef, Peter Lugar sauce and melted mozzarella cheese).

Mmm… All this sandwich talk has me hungry. I’ll need to swing by the store later and pick up some deli meats and some more bread and make myself a sandwich. I’m thinking I’m going to use some Arnold 12 Grain Bread or Arnold Everything Jewish Rye Bread (ham and Swiss goes great on rye). It’s a great way to squeeze some whole grains into my diet. Just one serving of Arnold 12 Grain Bread contains 13 grams of whole grains.

If you read my blog often you’ll know that I am working with Arnold (here in the Northeast) bread. The brand is also known as Oroweat or Brownberry, depending on what part of the country you live in. I’ll refer to the brand as Arnold, because that is how I’ve always known it as. But please know that when I say “Arnold” it also includes Oroweat and Brownberry.

Arnold has a special campaign going on to encourage consumers to “Feed Your Better”. In the past I have shared tips from Alison Sweeney, the brand’s spokesperson for the Feed Your Better Campaign.

In the past I have shared the following tips.

Tip #1 - Feel your best with better food. Find meals that go the  distance, like a well-built sandwich. Sandwiches make it easy to get the  nutritional benefits that will help you feel great. Try  Arnold®/Brownberry®/Oroweat® 100% Whole Wheat Bread topped with lean protein and  veggies to help boost your performance during a workout.

Tip #2 – Find ways to stay active in your everyday life. Some weeks, I  exercise daily and others, I work out as many days as I can! During these busy  times, I try to find ways to incorporate physical activity into my schedule,  like running around outside with my kids or going for a family hike. Spending  quality time with friends and family while staying active allows you to feed  your better in more than one way.

Here is another tip from Alison.

Tip #3 - Find a motivation mentor. Whether it’s a friend, family member or co-worker, find someone who is also striving for positive improvements in life. Having a partner can be so inspiring, and it truly gives you the mutual motivation and energy to push you towards your goal.

Personally I think having a mentor, or at least someone who can be your support system, is the most important thing when it comes to reaching your goals and staying on track.

I can tell you from my own personal experiences that when I have tried to do things on my own I tend to fall off track quickly. I am the type of person who needs to be held accountable for my actions (or non-actions) in order for me to succeed in reaching my goals.

Take for example eating healthy and squeezing some exercise into my day. That is one of my goals of the Feed You Better campaign. The holidays are upon us which means food – and lots of it. I want to lose a few pounds before the holidays begin. It’s not so I can eat like a crazy person at holiday parties. No way! It’s more so a way to allow myself to indulge a little and not have to fret over it. I don’t want to feel bad about myself for having a slice of cheesecake. I want to feel like it’s OK to have it because I have made the effort to eat better and get some exercise in so that I could enjoy that sweet little indulgence. I’m sure most people know what I am talking about.

Working on the Feed Your Better campaign is a constant reminder that I always need to feed MY better – whether it’s food, exercise, sleep, challenging myself, expanding my horizons, getting more organized and living my life to the fullest.

Most people make resolutions or goals at the start of a new year. I don’t do that anymore. I used to but I found that around the middle of January I was already off track. Instead of New Years Resolutions I feel that you can opt to make positive changes ANY TIME OF THE YEAR. Don’t you agree?

Check out this new inspirational video from Alison Sweeney.


In the video Alison mentions the Feed Your Better contest. The contest ends on NOVEMBER 11th! Here are more details.

Arnold®/Brownberry®/Oroweat® Bread and  Allison Sweeney would like for  you to share your stories and goals on how  you plan on (or are currently)  “Feeding Your Better” through their Feed Your Better campaign.

From now until November 11, 2013 you are encouraged to share your  stories. Allison be on the judging panel to help judge the submissions.  There are $100,000 in prizes to be won! The winners will be awarded  monetary prizes to help them to achieve their personal goals.

Three (3) winners will win $20,000

Runners-up will receive $5,000

100 additional winners will receive $100

What are YOUR personal goals? How would you want to “Feed Your Better”?  Make  sure to enter the Feed Your Better sweepstakes so you have a chance  to win  amazing prizes to help you to fund whatever you feel will help make  your life  better.  For more information visit www.FeedYourBetter.com.

Don’t wait until the start of the new year to makes goals and plans on how you are going to make your life better – DO IT NOW! There is no better time than the present.

I know a lady who only has a few days left on this Earth. I have known her for around 11 years. We never met in person – only online. The other day she shared a message to a group of  ladies that I belong to…

I want ALL of you to keep living & enjoy yourselves – even before I pass.

I want the same for everyone – keep living and enjoy yourself and never stop finding ways to improve and better your life, and yourself. You can start with simple changes, such as swapping out the white bread you make your sandwiches with, with a bread that is better for you, such as the breads that Arnold/Oroweat/Brownberry makes. With so many different varieties you are sure to find a bread that you and your family will love.

For more information about Arnold®/Brownberry®/Oroweat®  visit  their websites. They even have a great recipe section to help  you Feed Your  Better.


*This post is written in partnership for  the Arnold/Brownberry/Oroweat  Bread-bassador program. I have  been compensated however all opinions are  100% my own.

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