
In this post I share over 100 places to promote Christian books in response to this question I received:

Hi Shelley, thank you so much in advance for your advice. I just published a new devotional/motivation book for Christian entrepreneurs. I was wondering if you had any recommendations as the best place to market my book. I had good success with gospelebooks.net.

Do you know of any other similar sites? Thank you again for your help.

The majority of my books are Christian nonfiction books and so I have done a lot of research on this topic.  Here are a few resources to consider.

And if you have a question for me, you can submit it here:  www.shelleyhitz.com/ask

Where to Get Started

These are resources I have personally researched and compiled for our own book marketing efforts over the years and now want to share these resources with you.

Do NOT feel like you have to list your book in each and every place we list within this post, but choose a few to start with and then add your book to other places as you have time. Trying to take advantage of each and every opportunity at once will only serve to overwhelm you, so I highly recommend pacing yourself and choosing the ones that you think will work best for you and your book.

This list is an excerpt from my book, Author Publicity Pack.  You can get access to over 750 resources in book format here: http://www.shelleyhitz.com/books/author-publicity-pack/

8 Websites to Promote Christian Books on FREE Promotion:

GospelBooks.net – Submit your book here: http://gospelebooks.net/submit/

Christian Kindle News – http://christiankindlenews.com/submit-a-kindle-ebook/

Christian eBooks Today – http://www.christianebookstoday.com/advertising/free-fiction-nonfiction-lists/

Spirit Filled Kindle – contact Pauline at hosannahighest (at) hotmail.com or sign up for their author promotion list.  Also you can add @P_Creeden #RT to your tweet, and they will retweet you to their twitter followers once/week!

Faithful Reads – http://faithfulreads.com/authors/

Inspired Reads – Christian bargain ebooks http://www.inspiredreads.com/contact/


CrossReads – Post on CrossReads forums on the thread for the date your book is free (requires a free membership) http://crossreads.com/community/forumdisplay.php?10-FREE-Books

NOTE: Find more sites to submit free books here: http://www.trainingauthors.com/47-places-to-submit-your-free-kdp-promotion-for-your-kindle-ebook/

9 Other Websites to Promote Christian Books

GospelBooks.net – Submit your book here: http://gospelebooks.net/submit/ and find out about other advertising opportunities here: http://gospelebooks.net/advertise/

Beacon Ads: http://beaconads.com (many popular Christian websites offer advertising here)

CrossReads: An online community where Christian readers and authors meet. Christian authors are able to promote and post their books for free in their forums. You first must register for a free Bronze account here.  Once registered, this thread lists all the free advertising opportunities including new releases, free books, first chapter free, listing the RSS feed of your blog, and more! http://crossreads.com/community/showthread.php?176-FREE-Advertising-Opportunities&p=180#post180

New Christian Books: An online Christian magazine. If you are an author or author’s representative and would like to submit a news item or excerpt, please register from the link at the bottom of their website. Registration is free: http://www.newchristianbooksonlinemagazine.com/submissions

New Release Tuesdays: You need to first register for a free account at their website: http://www.newreleasetuesday.com.  Once you do that, you can add yourself as an author and add your books.

Christian Kindle News: This website lets you submit your books for a small fee. Find out more here: http://christiankindlenews.com/submit-a-kindle-ebook/

Good eBooks: This website offers free advertising for eBooks priced between $0.99 and $9.99. They have four categories: “More eBooks,” “Kidz World,” “World of Poetry,” and “Biblical Gold.” http://www.goodebooks.net/authfree.html

The Wordsmith Journal Magazine (TWJ Magazine): An online publication for Christian readers. Pricing runs anywhere from $20 to $6000, based off what you purchase. http://twjmag.com/information/advertising#PPC

GNF: http://graceandfaith4u.com/advertising-on-gnf/

44 Blog Hosts for Christian Authors

On my website, Body and Soul Publishing (my independent publishing company), I have compiled a list of blog hosts for Christian authors.  Simply contact them individually to request a guest blog post.  You can access the entire list here:  http://www.bodyandsoulpublishing.com/blog-tour-hosts-for-christian-authors

1 Christian Press Release Site

Christian Newswire: Have your press release sent to Christian media sources and you can also submit it to the media sources in your state for an additional fee. I used this site for one of her books and was interviewed on CBN (The Christian Broadcasting Network), a national television program, as a result. However, realize that your topic should be unique and something they are interested in sharing with their audience. http://www.christiannewswire.com

27 Ways to Sell More Books

Get instant access to my video training where I share 27 more ways to sell books, both online and offline. It’s a jam-packed training where you should plan to be taking notes.  Get this training today by clicking the button below.

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20 Facebook Groups for Christian Authors

8 Christian Reader Groups

CrossReads:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/crossreads

GNF Reader’s Group:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/203785339749853/

Christian Fiction Devourers:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/200067670053172/

Christian Fiction Gathering:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/christianfictiongathering/

Free eBooks for Christian Readers:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/FreeEbookAlerts/

The Book Club Network:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/146903260542

Christian Book Club:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/TheChristianBookClub

Avid Readers of Christian Fiction: https://www.facebook.com/groups/AvidChristFicReaders/

13 Christian Author/Blogger Groups:

CrossReads Authors:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/crossreadsauthors/

Grace & Faith:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/gracenfaith

Christian Indie Authors:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/117510274996874/

Christian Book Pickers:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/192912540785867/

Christian Blogger Network:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/13679025366

Christian Networking:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/358409300452/

Christian Writer’s Group:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/213899418675758/

Writing for the Spirit Christian Writer’s:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/278867392226715/

Christian Authors:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/134165873392010/

Christian Author Book Marketing Strategies:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/Christianauthorsbookmarketing/

Kickstart:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/108812789266431/

Christian Women Online:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/WeAreChristianWomenOnline/

Christian Women Bloggers Network:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/21301279021/

2 Christian Book Award Sites

Christian Book Award: http://christianbookaward.com

Christian Fiction Grace Awards: http://graceawardsdotorg.wordpress.com/

21 Christian Media Sources

5 Christian TV Sources:

Friends and Neighbors TV Show http://www.watc.tv/, Greg West, WATC/Atlanta

CTN Online http://www.ctnonline.com

The Good Life Show http://www.tv45.org

Full Circle http://www2.crossroads.ca/fullcircle

100 Huntley St. http://www.100huntley.com

4 Christian Radio:

K-LOVE: http://www.klove.com You can also submit a news tip via email: newstip@klove.com

Campus Crusade for Christ: http://www.lighthousereport.com

KBB Network: http://kbbnetwork.biz

The Artist First Radio Network: http://www.artistfirst.com and http://www.artistfirst.com/authorswanted.htm

8 Online Radio Shows:

Everyday Wisdom for Families: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/everydaywisdomforfamilies

Marnie’s Friends: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/marniesfriends

Motherhood Talk Radio: http://motherhoodtalkradio.wordpress.com

Living Joyfully Free: http://www.livingjoyfullyfree.com/about-living-joyfully-free/contact-us

CWA Radio: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/cwa-radio and http://cwaradio.com/be-guest-on-cwa-radio-show/

The Christian Author Show: http://www.wnbnetworkwest.com/WnbAuthorsShowChristian.html

Diva Talk Radio: http://divatalkradio.com/be-our-guest

HayHouse Radio http://www.hayhouseradio.com/index.php

4 Online Christian News:

News for Christians: http://www.newsforchristians.com, You can e-mail the editor: rcobb31@yahoo.com

The Christian Post: http://www.christianpost.com/aboutus/contactus.html

The Underground: http://theundergroundsite.com/contact-us

Christian Women’s Voice: www.christianwomensvoice.org

27 Ways to Sell More Books

Get instant access to my video training where I share 27 more ways to sell books, both online and offline. It’s a jam-packed training where you should plan to be taking notes.  Get this training today by clicking the button below.

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Share More Resources Below

Let’s work together!  Share any resources you’ve found to be helpful in the comments below.  I’d also love to know which sites you’ve found to be most effective for you.

You're reading 100+ Places to Promote Christian Books, originally posted on Shelley Hitz - Author Audience: Create a Book. Connect With Your Audience. Change Lives. and copyrighted by Shelley Hitz. Connect with Shelley on Google+ | LinkedIn | Facebook

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