Not being able to fall asleep, when it's all you want to do, is probably the most frustrating thing in the world.
One thing you should try doing when you can't catch some z's is a mental exercise. I know it's easier said than done (believe me), but there is actually one that's recommended by sleep doctors.
[Photos: Shutterstock]
Ever heard of counting sheep? I'm kidding, of course you have. And it does really work (sort of). Just not the way your mom taught you.
In a video for Business Insider, Dr. Michael Breus, sleep doctor and a Fellow of The American Academy of Sleep Medicine, shares his best tips for falling asleep faster, one of them being counting sheep the non-old fashioned way.
Instead of counting sheep one at a time, Breus suggests you count backward from 300 in threes. So 300, 297, 294... you get it.
Sure, it seems like this method will take all of your brain power, but that's exactly the point. You won't be able to think of anything else except what the next number should be. You'll be snoozin' away in no time!