
Okay friends!

We have another guest post today, and you are all in for a serious treat!

Mel from The Larson Lingo is going to hang with us for a bit!

I found Mel's blog while blog hopping one day, and I just thought it was too cute!

She blogs about everything:
(she has 3 precious kids)
check out her littlest one's nursery here with some bookshelves that Pinterest told her to do,

(this pumpkin bar recipe looks SO flipping good),
and just prettty much anything that comes to her mind!

She is sweet, funny, and real.

This post she did on Monday about The Evolution of Her Diaper Bag had me cracking up!

She is popping over to show us what Pinterest Told HER To Do!
And let me say, Pinterest is totally bossing Mel left and right,
but she is whacking every challenge out of the park!
I mean, Pinterest says "Mel, do this!" and she is all "BRING IT!".
You'll see what I mean.

So, without further ado, here's Mel!

Hi Everyone!

My name is Mel & I am so excited to be guest posting here today!

A little bit about me...I live in California.

I love Jesus, wine, coffee, photography & throwing parties.

Target is my Happy Place.

I have been married for 10 years & I have 3 sweet kids.

Kate is 5 1/2 Claire is 4 and our baby boy Luke is almost 3 months old.

I am a part time 7th grade math teacher and went back to work a few weeks ago when my maternity leave ended.

I was excited when Sheaffer asked me to guest post because since going back to work with a post partum body, I have had to get creative with my outfits and Pinterest has been my inspiration!

Here are a few of my Pinterest inspired outfits that I have worn this Fall that have made me feel less Frumpy since having a baby!

The best part is that most of these items I already had in my closet, but would have never thought of piecing them together!

Outfit #1, pairing orange and brown. Perfect for Fall in California!

Skinny Jeans & Tank Top are from Target (last season)

Brown sweater is from Ann Taylor Loft (last season)

Outfit #2 - Gray Boots. These were a new purchase this Fall, I bought them as some retail therapy when I headed back to work.  Gotta love retail therapy! I have seen gray boots all over Pinterest & the mall, so I decided to get some!

Gray Sweater & Jeans- Target

Scarf - The Pleated Poppy

Boots - Cathy Jean

Outfit #3 - Navy & Camel? Loved it together!

Shirt - H&M (last season)

Scarf - Marshalls

Boots - Target

Outfit #4 -Casual with a chunky necklace!

Jeans, Cardigan, Tank top & Ballet Flats - Target

Necklace - Nordstrom

Outfit #5 - I guess Leg Warmers are back in Style!

I had the shirt (Old Navy) and the skinnies & boots (Target), but I was brave and bought the leg warmers (also at Target) last week. The verdit? 1980 called and Leg Warmers ARE back! Loved this look!

Outfit #6 - The Melon Cords

I finally broke down and jumped on the colored jeans/cords bandwagon a few weeks ago.

Not sure if I can pull it off, but it sure was fun to have a pop of color on my legs!

Outfit #7 - Flowery Dress & Boots.

I had all 3 of these pieces (Target last year) but would have never thought of pairing them together.

The dress doesn't even have yellow on it, but the sweater makes the outfit pop!

Outfit #8 Mustard , Gray & Brown

I was being brave....instead of pairing this outfit with my gray boots or my gray ballet flats, I listened to Pinterest and wore brown boots with it. Loved it.

Outfit #9 - Black Pants with Brown Boots

I said I would NEVER do it. Mix Brown & Black. I saw this outfit & realized I had similar pieces in my closet and BAM! Black pants with Brown Boots. I'm a fan.

Outfit #10 - More Black & Brown

Oh yes, I did. Black Dress (H&M 2 years ago) with a brown belt & brown boots.

In LOVE with this combo. Can't believe it took me so long to branch out.

Thank you, Pinterest!

So, there you have it. 10 of my latest Pinterest inspired outfits that have made me feel good about getting dressed in the morning. It's been fun to branch out slowly and try new combinations with clothes I already have in my closet.

Nice to "meet" all of you! Feel free to check out my blog, The Larson Lingo!

Thanks for having me Sheaffer & inspiring me to let Pinterest tell me what to do!

You had me at "I love Jesus and wine...."  Hilarious.  And Amen.
I cannot believe that you did 10 outfits and that you did them all so perfectly!
I'm seriously impressed, and maybe even a little annoyed.  ;)
I give you an A++ on your Pinterest challenge!
You really know how to go ABOVE and BEYOND, and I totally dig it.
I love ALL 10 outfits, but my two favorites are definitely #3 and #10.
LOVE the navy and camel together, and you know how I feel about black and brown together.
I have worn this "taboo" combination several times now, and I've loved it every single time!

I did it here first this summer when I was stalking somebody.

I did it again here a couple of weeks ago.  If you need a stern talking to about having the nerve to pair black and brown together, go read this post.  I really let you have it.

And then I did it again here just yesterday after accepting Shay's double dog dare.

I don't how many times I have to tell you...
Pinterest Knows Her Stuff!
Just listen to her already!  :)
Thanks again Mel!!!!!!!!

If you like what you see here at Pinterest Told Me To, I would love for you to keep coming back!
It would be awesome if you wanted to become a follower.
Just click "join this site" over there on my sidebar.
You can follow me on facebook here.
You can follow me on Pinterest here.
And I am relatively new to the twitter world, but I think you can search for me with the name "simsslp".
p.s.  I have a giveaway on Friday.
I'll give you two hints:
1)  It's Sassy.
2)  It's Southern.

Linking up today with:

The Pleated Poppy
Rolled Up Pretty
The Vintage Apple

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