
Aloo Paratha is quite common in our house as mittu loves it so does hubby and me. When I made aloo gobi masala I got this idea of making paratha with aloo and gobi...Googled around to find that there already existed such a paratha combination...but I made like aloo paratha with sligtht variations.  Check out more paratha recipes here.
I have regular readers asking for tips to roll stuffed parathas even after posting the stepwise and video so thought of trying this type of rolling which amma usually does for making sweet beetroot chapathi...sticking 2 parathas and then rolling...It is sure easy comparatively so do try and let me know.

Last weekend my uncle and brother were here and I was skeptical about serving the first trial of this paratha but to my surprise both of them gave a thumbs up to it :) And the lil one had it without complaints and said she wants it often...happy mother :))

Aloo Gobi Paratha Recipe - Ingredients

Preparation Time : 30 mins | Cooking Time : 15 mins / toast | Makes : 6 parathas
Recipe Category: Main | Recipe Cuisine: North Indian

Wheat Flour - 2 cups + extra for dusting
Oil / Ghee - to toast
Salt - to taste

For the stuffing:
Potato(Aloo) - 2 medium sized(comes to 1 cup after mashing)
Cauliflower(Gobi) florets - 1/2 cup
Ajwain / Jeera - 3/4 tsp
Ginger green chilli paste - 1/2 tsp 
Turmeric powder - 1/4 tsp
Red Chilli powder - 3/4 tsp
Coriander powder - 1/2 tsp
Chat Masala powder - 1/4 tsp

Note : For ginger green chilli paste - take half green chilli and 1/2 inch ginger piece and crush it coarsely.


In a wide mixing bowl add wheat flour, salt and first give a quick mix for salt to be even. Then add water( you can even use the drained radish water)little by little, gather to form a soft pilable dough.Once it is gathered to a mass add 1/2 tsp oil and knead it once.The dough should not be too tight or too loose, it should be non sticky at this stage.Allow it to rest for a while until we prepare the stuffing.

First add the gobi florets in salted warm water to get rid of the worms then cook it until soft.While the gobi cooks,pressure cook aloo for 4 whistles, peel off the skin.Drain water completely, once both the veggies are cooked, mash it up with a masher.

Mash it well so that no lumps are there...Heat oil - add ajwain,gingerchilli paste, then add mashed aloo and gobi along with turmeric,red chilli, coriander powders and required salt.

Mix well and cook for 3mins in low flame.Add chat masala powder, give a quick stir and switch off.Add coriander leaves and mix well.Flour the surface and roll out 2 parathas of same size as shown below.

On one paratha place 2 spoon fulls of aloo gobi filling. Now close it with another paratha....Press the edges and seal it with your fingers to avoid the filling oozing out.

Now slowly roll them into thin/ thick parathas of your choice... dust flour then and there to avoid sticking.Heat a dosa pan and carefully transfer the paratha, flip to other side, drizzle oil and cook till both the sides has golden spots.Repeat the same with remaining dough.Brush with ghee while serving.

Serve hot with curd and pickle or any raita of your choice.

My Notes:

Don't give pressure while rolling.Dust flour then and there when required.

Make sure there is no moisture in the veggies else rolling will be tough.

Roll it thick or thin as per your preference but make sure the stuffing doesnt ooze out.

Adding chat masala powder at the last stage gives a nice tangy twist to the stuffing, I loved it.

For making any paratha keep the flame in medium and toast it to get evenly toasted.

Tags: aloo gobi paratha,aloo gobi paratha recipe,aloo paratha recipe,gobi paratha recipe,how to make aloo gobi paratha,prepare aloo gobi paratha,easy paratha recipe

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