
Wildlife photography is all about capturing great pictures of animals and birds. Better wildlife photography is not only to have all the essential equipments in place but it is about light, composition and creativity. Here are some useful wildlife photography tips and tricks that photographers can use to capture beautiful shots.

Study Your Subject:

The most important part in wildlife photography is your subject. You need to study your subject closely to capture the right moment. Different animals behave differently. You need to have patience and observe your subject carefully, spend time around them, watch them and try to know them. You will be able to get the best shots if you create an intimate connection between you and your subject.

Photographer: Sudhir Kendhe

Capture the eye contact:

Wildlife photographs with clear and sharp eyes of the subject speak thousand words. It is all about eye contact. Focus on the subjects eyes and take your shots. Taking shots at your subject’s eye level will certainly give you a dramatic perspective of the subject.

Photographer: Sudhir Kendhe

Choose an appropriate time:

To capture incredible wildlife images you need to get out early and stay out late. You will get the best shots when you least expect them. You should be the first wildlife photographer to hit the field and the last one to keep your equipments away.

Photographer: Sudhir Kendhe

Capture Action:

Try to capture your subject’s in action. Wildlife photography is best when you capture action. Actions like hunting, feeding, etc can be captures at dawn or dusk when most animals are doing something interesting. Action shots look most impressive in wildlife photography.

Photographer: Sudhir Kendhe

Know Your Equipment:

Ensure that you use the right camera with choose an appropriate lens and if possible a tripod for best results. Know the minimum shutter speed at which you can obtain a sharp image with your camera/lens combo. Practice and learn to toggle between focus points and know how to push your camera’s settings to achieve acceptable results. Make all the necessary settings and adjustments well before you plan to shoot.

Photographer: Sudhir Kendhe

The light effect:

Best time to capture wildlife images is before sunrise in the golden light. And you can stay back late till sunset. Don’t let glares reflect off shiny feathers or shadows across the face of your subject ruin your photo. Capture the full face of your subject without any shadows in sunlight. You can get the best results when the sky is lightly overcast with thin cloud.

Photographer: Sudhir Kendhe

Background is not necessary always:

An effective wildlife photograph is the one that is captured using natural light and natural settings. If the background is working for you, use it well. If not, try to capture the subject and avoid the background so that it looks toward the centre of the picture, not towards the edge of the frame.

Photographer: Sudhir Kendhe

These simple and easy wildlife photography tips and tricks and help you capture some beautiful and outstanding shots of animals and birds. Keep practicing and try out these tips to get the best results.

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