I have an Infoshare library in which I collect: Project name, Site, Status, Owner.
I have multiple users from different sites that will have access to this database and I would like to show them only the items on which they are owners, or those projects which are related to their Site, once they are in the Library.
I have created a list that identifies all Users and the Site they belong.
By creating a column in the Library named Owner I am able to filter those projects who belong to each user (Owner is equal to [Me]).
However I cannot seem to be able to find a secondary filter that filters out the Site they belong.
ie John is in Chicago and Marc is in Miami.
Below is how my library looks like
What I want is in the case John logs in he is able to see project 1 as he is the owner and Project 2 because the Site is Chicago. Likewise Marc should see Project 2 (owner) and Project 3(Miami)
Any ideas? I have been looking in the page before but have not really found anything (given my small knowledge on SP maybe I did, so in that case sorry and would appreciate a direction!)
Thanks in advance for your help!